PM Orbán: Broadening middle class best remedy for poverty in Hungary

Broadening the middle class is the best remedy against poverty, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in an interview to public radio on Friday.

Broadening middle class

Broadening and strengthening the middle class, he said, was “a realistic objective”. He said growth would take off in the fourth quarter and the economy would pick up even further next year. “If we can mobilise the money of private individuals, we can have a fantastic year,” Orban said.

The prime minister said the focus would be on the middle class and those in a worse position, adding that “this is called a people’s party politics”. US President Donald Trump won the election on such a political platform, he said, adding that “Western politics are narrowing down to issues around everyday life and opportunities.”

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  1. “best remedy for poverty in Hungary”. So why are you robbing the country of it assets and making your family and friends billioners with money stollen from Hungarian tax payers and EU funds?

  2. Empty words from an empty suit. Fidesz has created more poverty in Hungary and degraded government services for the population for everything from health care to education to public transit. The only way to bring real prosperity to Hungarians is to toss out these bandits who steal the wealth of the nation and bring in a new government.

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