Fidesz MEPs demand action from Brussels against gas market speculations
An MEP of ruling Fidesz said on Tuesday that clear action was needed by Brussels against high energy prices and gas market speculation.
Fidesz MEPs call on EC for action against gas market speculation
András Gyürk said he had submitted written questions to the European Commission on behalf of the Fidesz group, adding that the EC had done nothing when gas transits through Ukraine were stopped at the beginning of the year.
He said that before starting its term, the EC led by Ursula von der Leyen had promised to reduce energy prices, yet in the past three months European gas prices have increased by around 20 percent. He added that despite the promises from Brussels, the market price of natural gas had increased by one-fifth since November.
“The bureaucrats watched idly as 15 billion cubic metres of natural gas was lost from the European market after the Ukraine gas transits stopped,” he said. “They also failed to act against the gas market speculation that resulted in increased prices when gas storage facilities were filled in the summer,” he added. “This is incomprehensible and it is the reason why we have turned to the European Commission with written questions,” he said.
“We expect concrete practical steps to be planned by the European Commission against speculation that makes summer gas acquisitions expensive,” he said. “Additionally, we expect information from Brussels concerning whether they plan to offer financial and technical support to East European countries affected negatively by the stoppage of Ukraine gas transits,” he added. Reducing energy prices is crucial to ensuring economic competitiveness and the welfare of citizens, Gyürk said.
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The rich and powerful globalist-socialist-fascist elites are playing their games, in Ukraine and elsewhere, while the little people suffer. There is something to be said for pitchforks-and-torches mobs.
@michaelsteiner – Ukraine is a sovereign nation that decided not to extend or renew a gas transit agreement when it expired. Again – agreements have a term and a termination clause. The Ukrainians did not terminate – the agreement came to term. And our Politicians did not have a Plan B, or anticipated (could be worse, though – could be Slovakia). The EU asked to turn away from Russian gas – Hungary´s reaction was “it´s OK – we will stick with Russian gas and preach “Peace!”.”. It´s a risk our Politicians factored in. And now – crocodile tears.
So – bluntly – given these facts, what would you have Ukraine do, exactly? Looking for some practical and compelling arguments, here.
Andras Gyurk is speaking like a communist complaining about capitalist “speculators”. Prices fluctuate for commodities in a free market. Natural gas prices tend to increase in winter during the heating season. The end of exports through Ukraine took some supply off the market and when additional supply makes its’ way into the market prices will drop. Hungary knew the end of the transit contract was coming but did nothing and therefore has no grounds to complain.