Budapest’s largest community gardens open

Budapest’s largest community gardens opened on an area of 2,600 square metres in south-east Budapest on Wednesday.

The project converted a derelict lot used previously by Magyar Telekom into 100 garden plots of some 8 square metres each where nearby residents can grow vegetables, fruit and herbs.

Sándor Finta, Budapest’s chief architect, said at the opening ceremony that Budapest’s community gardens are growing, creating more green space while leaving the historic centre intact. Supporting community garden projects is an important part of Budapest’s long-term 2030 development concept, he added.

The gardens now opened on the corner of Soroksári road and Határ road were built with the help of the civil organisation Kerthatár Community Gardens and the architectural centre KEK. There are still 40 lots awaiting owners, who can sign up on, KEK curator Mónika Kertész said.

Also, while researching about gardening for this article I stumbled upon a pretty good article on weed eaters. Definitely gave me a lot of quick insight. I recommend that you check it out. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Prepare yourselves for an interesting blog post next week!

Photo: MTI



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