Budapest’s two busiest M3 metro stops will not be ready by March

The M3 metro line’s last two stops under renovation will open to passengers in May 2023, at the earliest.

As Népszava reminds us, the completion of the Budapest M3 metro reconstruction is delayed by five years compared to the first target date, and by one year compared to the 2019 schedule. Even in the autumn of 2020, there were talks of a handover at the end of 2022, which was later pushed back to March and now to May.

In response to the inquiries of, Budapest Transport Company (BKV) issued the followings: “Although the M3 metro line renovation was scheduled to be completed in March 2023, the renewed Nagyvárad Square (Nagyvárad tér) and Lehel Square (Lehel tér) will finally be open to passengers from May 2023. The two stations that are key to the metro renovation were closed to passengers in May 2022, but since then a number of unforeseen technical problems have arisen, requiring a year to complete the upgrade.”

BKV added that the Deák Ferenc Square and Ferenciek Square Stations, which are the busiest transport hubs, will be opened to passengers in January.

Budapest M3 metro line construction and upgrade
Read alsoThe busiest station of M3 metro line will be back soon

Source:, Népszava

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