Bureaucrats in Brussels calling for Hungary’s exit from the EU “must be in big trouble, says Minister Varga

Hungary, as a member of the European Union, does not want to be part of a “superpower” but rather a “smart Europe based on strong nations”, Justice Minister Judit Varga said on Facebook on Friday.

In her English-language post, Varga noted that the conference on the future of Europe was in full swing, with Hungary having organised 316 of the 3,000 events for it, making it the second most active member state behind Germany.

Varga said these figures showed that the “bureaucrats and journalists in Brussels” calling for Hungary’s exit from the EU “must be in big trouble, there is no need for hysteria”.

“We Hungarians stick to our European values,”

she wrote. Hungary wants to belong to a community it once joined, not to what the institutions in Brussels want to transform it into, she added. “What we need is not a superpower but a smart Europe based on strong nations!”

The bloc, she said, should be a “smart Europe where institutions can’t dictate” to member states and where countries can decide which powers they want to transfer to Brussels and which ones remain national competences.

“We need a community where unity is just as important as diversity!”

Varga wrote. “That is why it is important to make our voices heard as much as possible! Let’s say no to the stealthy transfer of powers together!”

Source: MTI


  1. “Hungary, as a member of the European Union, does not want to be part of a “superpower” but rather a “smart Europe based on strong nations”, Justice Minister Judit Varga said on Facebook on Friday.”

    Judit Varga is 100% right.
    The bureaucrats in Brussels are afraid of Hungary because Hungary is a nation of people who value freedom.
    The bureaucrats in Brussels are turning Europe into a Soviet style dictatorship.
    Hungarians and the people of Central-Europe have already experienced it and rose-up against it. There is no more Soviet Union.
    Freedom always wins but you have to fight for freedom. As always, Hungary shows the way.

  2. Please, American Steve, NO ONE FORCED HUNGARY TO BE PART OF THE EU. If you are so unhappy, go back to the USA. We know that you have some kinky thing about Ms Varga, but you can look pictures of her from there.

  3. The Truth does not appreciate Hungary’s history. Why, after all the years of dictatorship endured by the country, would Hungary cede sovereignty to Marxist Brussels? Hungary never signed an agreement to give up sovereignty nor accept asinine new laws enacted by the EU parliament. Forcing Hungary out of the EU, would result in greater friendship with China and Russia. China and Russia could be allowed to pub army bases in Hungary. Brussel and the rest of the liberal idiots think before they cut their own throat. What would happen if Russia cut off gas supplies to western EU?

  4. This Hungarian hating clown that calls himself “The Truth” is a liar like all communists.

    Alekszandr Iszajevics Szolzsenyicin a kommunistákról
    “A kommunistánál kártékonyabb és veszélyesebb embertípust még nem produkált a történelem. Cinizmusuk, szemtelenségük, hataloméhségük, gátlástalanságuk, rombolási hajlamuk, kultúra- és szellemellenességük elképzelhetetlen minden más, normális, azaz nem kommunista ember számára. A kommunista nem ismeri a szégyent, az emberi méltóságot, és fogalma sincs arról, amit a keresztény etika így nevez: lelkiismeret. A kommunista eltorzult lélek! Egészséges szellemű európai ember nem lehet kommunista! Nincs olyan vastag bőrt igénylő hazugság, amit egy kommunista szemrebbenés nélkül ki ne mondana, ha azt a mozgalom érdeke vagy az elvtársak szermélyes boldogulása így kívánja.”

  5. MVT: you are in Canada, which has a lot of issues to resolve: Reconciliation being one, or do you see your local news and follow your national politics? Plus I can read. I know the history.

    USA Steve, you really are a laugh.

  6. Also: American Steve: Would you like me to buy you a one way ticket back to the US? Covid regs will not be a problem since you have a US passport. I can easily afford to pay for your airfare, despite not being in any political party – let alone the one that you so admire.

  7. He reacts to my posts only when I post a supportive comment about Judit Varga.
    He has a problem with powerful women who stand-up for God, family and country.
    Judit Varga is a classy lady.

  8. The Truth, if you can read then you lack understanding of politics. Populism is the best way of governing. The technology now allows all countries to consult their population on issues.

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