Concerning: Chinese police in Hungary may be up to dark, worrying things

As we reported before, Chinese police officers will come to Hungary to patrol with their Hungarian counterparts. The Chinese ministry, with which the Hungarian government has recently signed several agreements, is, among other things, responsible for monitoring, “bringing to their senses” and even “repatriating” Chinese expatriates who think differently.

Chinese police to be up to questionable things in Hungary

Privátbankár reports that the Amnesty International report paints a grim picture of the Chinese regime’s methods of controlling the hundreds of thousands of Chinese students studying abroad. The methods include constant digital and even personal surveillance, as well as threats and blackmail against family members who have stayed at home.

chinese police hungary
Chinese police officers. Photo:

However, the Chinese police authorities and intelligence services are trying to control not only students but all Chinese living abroad.

A Chinese agent who fled to Australia talked to an Australian newspaper about this practice. He explained that Chinese agents use various cover stories to gain the trust of the targeted dissidents and then lure them to third countries from where they can be transported home to China, even by physical force, where they can be hidden from the world.

The Australian newspaper cites several examples of Chinese living in Australia being returned to China by illegal means, and of Chinese agents being found to have worked on Australian soil, gathering information and organising actions against members of the Chinese community, using various front companies and Chinese organisations for this purpose.

“The darkest bureau of the Chinese government”

From a Hungarian point of view, it is particularly interesting that the Chinese agent who escaped to Australia was an employee of the Department of Public Security, Division 1, which he himself described as “the darkest bureau of the Chinese government”.

This is the same ministry whose head visited Budapest in mid-February this year, where he held talks with Viktor Orbán and Sándor Pintér, and then signed security cooperation agreements whose details are still unknown.

According to, in light of the above, it is reasonable to fear that the presence of Chinese police officers in Hungary and the security agreements may provide the Chinese regime with new tools to monitor Chinese living in Hungary and to carry out actions against “renitents”, including extortion, threats and even physical violence.

Read also:

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  1. Where is the EU? Remember this Hun gov’t is also xenophobic,with hysterical anti-migrant campaigns and Soviet-style propaganda. Allowing a foreign police force on our beloved home soil is close to treason.

  2. All these comments here come from people who aren’t Hungarians, right ?
    Sounds like you guys here know better what’s good for Hungary than Hungarians themselves😉.

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