Choose the best champagne for your New Year’s Eve Party!

Champagne is a must-have on New Year’s Eve, and customers are flooded with all kinds of them: from low-priced to exclusive, a whole range of this beverage can be found on the shelves of department stores. listed some criteria you might want to consider before purchasing champagne for the party.
Just like many other nations, Hungarians drink the most champagne around Christmas and New Year’s Eve. This time of the year NÉBIH (National Food Chain Safety Office) increases the severity of supervisions and seeks for offences. In 2014, the annual Christmas investigation of the office had ended with better results than usual, but this does not mean that customers shouldn’t be cautious when buying seasonal products such as champagne.
Although there are many vineries that offer quality champagne, Hungarians tend to see this drink solely as an ingredient of New Year’s Eve. Therefore Hungarian Tourism Ltd. started a campaign this summer, in order to popularize champagne. Although 2014 statistics show a sharp increase in purchase in comparison with the 2011 data, the recent popularity of champagne does not get near the data from a decade ago, reports
So what should you bear in mind when looking for the best champagne?
- If you don’t want to spend too much on alcohol this year, you should make a comparison of prices before going shopping. You should also know that buying the cheapest, unknown product will most probably leave you with a headache as well.
- After purchasing the champagne, store it in a dark, chilly area and cool it down to 6-8°C. You should cool down the glasses as well – this trick will prevent the champagne from running out!
- When opening the bottle, you should press the cork with your thumb, so that it won’t pop out, unless it has been shaken up. To avoid accidents, keep the bottle in a 45° angle and use careful, twisting moves to pull the cork out.
- Check where the champagne is originated from. Tricky manufacturers often use fake information in order to increase their sales, but as a recent scandal has shown, deceitful marketing leads to a 15 million Forint fine.
- Experiments have shown that putting a spoon in the bottle won’t prevent the alcohol losing its fizziness. If you want to keep your champagne sparkling, close the bottle with its original cork.
based on article of
translated by Laura Kocsis