Coronavirus – Hungarian police checking compliance with extraordinary measures
Police are continually checking compliance with the extraordinary measures in force, Robert Kiss, an official of the emergency centre set up by the operative board coordinating the response to the epidemic, said on Wednesday.
They are checking compliance with curfew restrictions, rules on shop-opening times and home quarantine rules, he said. The measures have already contributed to hindering the spread of the virus and they will be maintained until the state of emergency is in force, he added.
Police have registered 739 irregularities concerning the curfews, a total of 956 warnings have been issued and 49 people have been fined for violating the restrictions, he said.
The authorities have ordered home quarantine in over 9,679 cases so far and have conducted more than 71,350 inspections, Kiss said. Altogether 97 people have been fined for violating quarantine rules and 14 people have been issued warnings. The authorities have filed misdemeanor charges against 322 people, he said.
A total of 39 shop-owners have been warned about not complying with regulations, and fines have been issued in 25 cases, while misdemeanors have been reported in 61 cases.
Source: MTI