Bell-ringing disturbed tourists, so local church remains silent in a Hungarian village

The bell-ringing disturbed tourists in Balatonberény, a small village of 1,100 residents in the south-western part of Lake Balaton. They said that they would not like to wake up at 5 or 6 am to the bells of the local church. It seems that the Catholic church accepted the complaint for the summer period. However, tourists now complain because of the morning crow of the roosters.
According to ATV, the local church bells rang every day at 5 am which disturbed many tourists who came on a holiday and did not want to be woken up that early. Therefore, they wrote a petition to the local mayor in which they asked him to cease the morning bell ringing as soon as possible. However,
locals were shocked after they read the letter.
“I must say that I was angry because bell ringing is an ancient tradition in the villages. They moved the 5 am bell ringing to 6 am, which was already strange for the people. But to abolish it because of the tourists – that, I cannot believe. On that ground, they should not ring the bell of the church at 8 pm either,” said one of the residents.
The leadership of the village and the church agreed that the bells would not ring in the morning.
The mayor thought that everything would be alright, but then others came asking him to end the morning crow of the roosters since that is disturbing, too.
László Horváth highlighted that nothing can be done about that issue.
Now it seems that, until the end of the summer, church bells will remain silent in the morning.
Best ice cream spots of Lake Balaton – PHOTOS
Source: ATV
I raise poultry & sell ‘free range eggs’ to a restaurant. As a retired person I am not dumb enough to get up early mornings and then lament about how long the days are…oh, I am so lonely, oh I am so bored….none of that feel -sorry- for- myself nonsense. As a result, I built my henhouse with a small window that does not get the morning sun. AND has a curtain on it. My rooster & all the hens know that morning starts around 9 a.m. at the earliest. If they are still on their roosts, they get hugs if they stay put while others fly right out the now open door. By 10:30 am the dozen eggs are laid, later straggler hens go back inside after they eat breakfast & lay in the nests in more privacy.
The extra sleep helps them as much as it helps me have a great, busy day.
So get those locals to keep light out of their henhouses and tell the tourists that the country sounds around them are part of their experience to know what REAL life is like away from cities where sirens and flashing lights ruin any site of the stars and wake people who work shifts as well as babies who already are traumatized by their life for some unknown reason, or colic.
The church was there before the tourists. And what do they imagine could be done about the roosters. Enjoy being in the countryside where there’s no light pollution. If the tourists don’t like it then holiday somewhere else.
The problem with tourist can be that many of them want things to be like in a storybook paradise. THAT PLACE DOES NOT EXIST. They cry about the Church Bells, they cry about a farmers livestock making noise, they cry about a noisy strimmer being run at 8AM on the weekend, they cry about the sound of children playing and being kids. Folks, Hungary is not paradise, Hungarians are not going to completely rearrange how they live for you. if you do not like noise do not come to Hungary if you expect complete silence, Hungarians like the church bells, the sound of livestock and due to most having employment they have no choice but to do lawn work on the weekend.
Mike Hall, you are a retarded. Those tourists aren’t foreigners, they are HUNGARIANS.
These tourists should go to Turkey and complain of the morning prays of the imams. They will be asked to leave the country, not in a very polite way! We should do the same!
Oh, but the mighty dollar speaks louder than the church bells and roosters.
Foreign tourists or Hungarians what right do-you really have to visit a place, that in it’s history, part of it’s tradition – in this case the ringing of church bells – to object and press for change and bring about change, as this article refers.
History – Church Bells, they where the principle means of communication to villages, towns and cities – not just solely that a Church service was nearing commencement, but a wide and quite fascinating number of reason(s) of them being used as – COMMUNICATION.
Respect the tradition and there history – and if you don’t like – on your bike or whatever and move on.
Turn you mobile off leaving – it rings to loud ///
Dear Retarded comment, I know of many Brits and Dutch that also complained when they come here about village noise, so unless you are some kinda special retard don’t open your trap about a comment., sincerely Mike Hall
They stopped the Unitarian church bells on Nantucket like that for awhile before we got our tradition back. Nantucket was not Nantucket without the Unitarian church bells ringing out the hours, and the long midday ringing. Too bad these suck ups in Hungary caved in and ruined a traditional beauty. Now it’s the roosters? We had that too in Vermont. But the roosters won. We love roosters in the morning, so stay away from authentic country settings then, spoiled tourists, and go to tourist traps instead. We will not be visiting this Hungarian village, for sure, and hope the bells in Tihany are still ringing out joyfully.
5 am is ridiculous. Show me where in the bible it says bells must be rung at 5am.