Hungary gets a harsh rebuke from a European Prime Minister
Luxembourg’s openly gay prime minister Xavier Bettel criticised the Hungarian government in a speech in the European Parliament on Wednesday. According to Bettel, the Hungarian laws have a negative impact on the LGBTQ community in Hungary.
Harsh criticism from Luxembourg
“If there is anybody in this house who seriously thinks that a man can become homosexual by watching TV or listening to songs, he doesn’t understand anything,” said Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg.
In Hungary, a law was passed two years ago restricting content that depicts homosexuality. Mr Bettel said the Hungarian government under Viktor Orbán had no understanding of how countries in the European Union thought about homosexuality.
The Luxembourg head of government said that it is very difficult for homosexuals to accept themselves, and that in many countries outside the EU they would be at risk if they came out as homosexual. “And it may soon be that I can only talk about it in secret in a member state of the European Union, otherwise I will be accused of corrupting the younger generation,” Bettel is quoted as saying by the Associated Press.
The Prime Minister of Luxembourg has spoken out on the issue several times recently. “My mother hates that I am gay. I have to live with that. But now you have passed a law about it. I respect you, but this red line, which is about fundamental human rights, the right to be different, has now been crossed.”
Hungarian response to the accusations
Tamás Deutsch, Fidesz MEP, said that Luxembourg is one of the founders of the European Community and Hungary has a special respect for them, writes
“I respectfully ask you not to classify the Hungarian child protection law as a homophobic law by stating an untruth, because the Hungarian child protection law is about one thing only, how to protect the inalienable right of parents to raise their children,” Deutsch said.
No, Xavier, Hungary’s laws do not “have a negative impact on the LGBTQ community in Hungary.” They have a negative impact on the “TQ” part of that alphabet soup, which openly wants to indoctrinate and debauch our children, the way it’s happening in the U.S., Canada, and many Western countries. You can @ at us all you want, but that’s how it’s going to be.
Michael Steiner your comment response, the “Tone” of it, the Orban/Fidesz line and style, of do as we say, without following nor practicing Democracy, which is built on around Dialogue, you continue to openly display, your Political affiliations and support.
“Debauch our children” – again in what you write, growing in humongous numbers inside and out of Hungary, the Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban, into the rightful criticism of his dictatorial mannerisms, has he not damaged the morals of the people of Hungary, and corrupted Parliament by “abuse” of his position?
Orban is a separatist, an individual who supports – leads in the separation of a particular group of people from a larger body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender.
When two views are so far apart, they have trouble understanding each other, because there are other things that will take the discourse to a tangent, and it will never end in respecting each other’s views. These things that will affect an otherwise civil conversation are emotions, politics, ethics, religion, name calling, intolerance and raising one’s voice. Avoid these at all costs and be civil. Many people have this strange idea, that a person who speaks louder will be the winner of any disagreement. They need to sharpen their social skills in order to receive the respect they are looking for, to be right. Also, just because a person belongs to a large party does not automatically make them right, if they enjoy a majority. Why? Because, within their majority, there are fractions of people who may not at all agree with the majority, but they don’t want to rock the boat for fear of reprisal against them personally, their job or profession, etc. There are others who will join a group because they think there is safety in numbers. We do not have to be the SAME in our beliefs in order to get along. Whatever happened to “Let us agree, that we disagree” and stay friends in civility. LIVE and LET LIVE.
James Arpad Lassu -Concur.
Hungary’s multitude of problems that are worsening, is that there Prime Minister – Victor Orban – never “agrees to disagree”.
Orban never seeks a “middle ground” which ironically, as History is never WRONG nor Lies, is the DNA of Dictators.
Orban – has moved to rule and govern Hungary – under a Dictatorship.
Hungary under Orban – they have had (13) thirteen years of him, in his second go as there Prime Minister, to UNDERSTAND the man, but they “run” with him, which has every possibility of ending in an almighty MESS.
Protecting children is admirable. Hungary has strong laws protecting the LGBT community and these laws are strictly enforced. What is everyone’s’ problem? No sane person would advocate child mutilation, mutilation that is happening in the US,
“Mutation happening in the US” – It is a policy of the DEMOCRATS, the party of “progressive liberals”. No CONSERVATIVE republican supports it.
From US media:
“The Biden Administration, via the DOJ, has sent a letter to attorneys general around the country threatening to sue if states attempt to stop the mutilation of children in the form of “gender reassignment” surgery, hormone blockers, and other actions that change the natural development of a child.”