PM Orbán: May the devil take the foreigners, and the Hungarians be cast into the deepest pit of hell!

At the conference entitled “Successful Hungarian Presidency 2024 – a chance for the European Union” organised by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium on Monday, Viktor Orbán attacked the EU leaders more than ever before.
Hungarian EU presidency ‘beginning of new era’
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has referred to Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of last year as “the beginning of a new era”.
Orbán said the upcoming era would be recorded in history books as “one in which (US President) Donald Trump and European patriots started a reconstruction of the Western world”. The world sees “the rise of the East, Asia, and the world order created and dominated by the Anglo-Saxons is over, ” he said.
The world’s main power centres are in the process of building the new economic, political and cultural frameworks “for us to live in probably for decades to come”, he said. “Brussels is the only geopolitical center where they are not interested in changes in global politics and impacts on us … the EU has not even started preparing for the race, so it should sober up,” Orbán said.
Hungary EU presidency ‘raises flag of peace’
Orbán said, “It raised the flag of peace, opened the door to a ceasefire and peace talks, and put pressure on European leaders that they should restart diplomacy and communication,” at a conference in Budapest on Monday.
Hungary could only open a dialogue with the warring sides in the war in Ukraine “on a national basis because the majority of EU member states oppose peace”, he said.
Hungary is now passing the peace baton on to the new US administration, Orbán said, adding that “good intention, courage, diplomatic skills, a Christian sense of duty are nice things, but peace requires strength.”
He said that taking on fierce debates, the Hungarian presidency pointed out that the war weakened Europe and warned that not only Ukraine but every European national economy had been on the losing end because of the war.
The European Union should “now sober up but they are drinking even more instead; they don’t want peace but press for war, they don’t want border controls but migrants, they don’t protect the family but gender; they don’t seek affordable energy but green policy,” he said.
According to 444, Orbán said that a lot of work had been done to make the Hungarian Presidency a success. But some worked against the success of the presidency:
“May the devil take the foreigners, and may the Hungarians be thrown into the deepest pit of hell!”
‘Western world has patriotic, pro-peace, anti-migration president in Washington’
“The western world now has a patriotic, pro-peace, anti-migration and pro-family president taking office in Washington, and within a matter of hours, even the sun will shine differently over Brussels,” the prime minister said.
“A new president in America, a large patriotic group in Brussels, great enthusiasm, patriots who love their country; so the great attack can begin: I hereby launch the second phase of the operation aimed at occupying Brussels!”
Viktor Orbán said.
EU could be ‘absolute loser’ in new world order
Europe’s incumbent leaders have made the EU isolated and “if all goes unchanged, the EU could become an absolute loser in the new world order, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told.
He said Hungary was “doing well” in terms of the economy, state administration and national identity, being “in the front lines globally”, adding that Hungary was “not a follower but a pioneer, one of the courageous experimenters.”
The prime minister said Hungary’s economic neutrality marked in the international arena a path that is different from, and sometimes is even in conflict with Brussels’ expectations.
“Europe has now become isolated from all key players of the new world order, such as the new American administration, Russia, China, and Africa,” he said. Under its EU presidency, Hungary continuously worked to build its future ties, he said but added that “if all goes unchanged in Brussels, the EU will become and absolute loser in the new world order … we don’t want to be losers, thank you,” the prime minister said.
Everybody has a job in Hungary
Everybody has a job in Hungary and families pay the lowest utilities bills in Europe, PM Orbán.
Inflation has been crushed, so much so that we were able to increase pensions in real terms last year, and we were able to give pensioners HUF 150bn more than what was in line with inflation, Orbán added.
The PM said wages have started to increase, the government has doubled the family tax credit, subsidised credit for young blue collar workers has been introduced in addition to the student loan, the budget deficit is decreasing, and the national debt is not growing.
No one disputes that in 2025 the growth of the Hungarian economy will be at least twice that of the European Union, he added.
Orbán said HUF 450bn of investments are being launched, Hungarian SMEs will receive HUF 1,400bn this year, and family savings are at least one and a half times the EU average.
We, Hungarians, have a well-developed strategy for the coming world era in contrast to Brussel. Its results are obvious, and even our opponents tend to discuss them only with awkward embarrassment, he added.
EU ‘sick man’ of Europe
“The sick man in Europe today is the European Union itself,”
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told a conference organised by the 21st Century Institute and the Mathias Corvinus Collegium, on Monday.
According to Orbán, the EU is unable to guarantee peace and security in Europe and its immediate neighbourhood; it cannot ensure Europe’s welfare, stem illegal migration or provide a perspective to Europe’s agriculture.
Orbán insisted that the bureaucrats in Brussels could not be convinced, and while “the EU sees failure after failure, the Brussels institutions are getting stronger and stronger, and seek to obtain further powers.”
“In Brussels they do not at all think that the EU is sick; they think the EU is working as it should, while the objective of European integration is integration itself: building a bureaucracy ruling over the nation states,” Orbán said.
Orbán said the “treatment to heal the EU” required change, which could be achieved “through political means, from the outside, and through taking on conflicts with Brussels”. He said, however, that “facilities inside the EU” could also be resorted to, adding that “we Hungary are the opposition of the regime in Brussels.”
Orbán: ‘Brussels controlled by oligarchy’
“Brussels is kept under occupation by an oligarchy coordinated by the left-liberal and Trans-Atlantic elite,”
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told.
“This is a regime which is not European but global, it is not a democracy but an oligarchy, and it is federal rather than based on the sovereignty of nation states,” he said.
“There it is a united progressive liberal front stuffed with George Soros’s money facing us … they are attacking us because we are sovereigntist and even patriotic,” he said, adding that “they are attacking us because we insist that the rule of law should apply to Brussels, too,” he said. “They are also attacking us because we demand that the fight against corruption should also be extended to Brussels,” Orbán said.
“They will use every means if needed; they will promise positions, scholarships, appreciation, publicity, power and money; and if needed, they will threaten with fines, financial sanctions, or stripping you of your voting rights,” Orbán said.
Easy for Mr. Orbán to claim GDP growth when Hungary receives a NET contribution from the European Union in excess of 3.5 percent of GDP, year on year. Even taking into account all the fines, penalties and conditionalities. We are a TAKER. and then someone pretends we are doing it, all by ourselves:
On “inflation crushed”… Why doesn´t the graph just listen to spin? Facts and data:
Regarding guaranteeing peace and security in Europe and its immediate neighbourhood – against who or what do we need to defend ourselves? Not Mr. Putin, surely. He is just a guy we would like to do business with. Pretend everything is normal. Which it is not. Check out Poland, the Baltic States and Finland, in particular. Obviously singing from the same hymn sheet as Hungary:
Regarding our Politicians increasing spend on all types of programmes … With what money, exactly?
Do read the end bit, where it gets ironic: “number of unquantified deficit-increasing measures across different areas,” so “further fiscal measures may thus be needed to achieve the commitments.”, however no worries, because in our Politician´s cunning plan, they “also presented a slate of 132 reforms and investments aligned with the EU’s common priorities, more than half of which will be funded by EU programs.”. “Soros!” indeed.
OK – rant over.
The rhetoric Orban and his cronies use is straight out of Nazi Germany and George Orwell. Is this “New World Order” going to be another “Thousand Year Reich”? The statements Orban makes are some kind of extremist fantasy twisted with Putinism, pro-Chinese sentiment and Soros liberal conspiracy myths. There is a disdain for “Anglo-Saxons”. People who go in for this are quite twisted. Orban and Fidesz literally are toxic for the mental health of Hungarians.
REMEMBER – Hungarians, in ALL the “spin” – in ALL the PROPAGANDA, the “Heinous” acts we GO on seeing coming out of the DEMISE the DOWNFALL – of the Orban – Fidesz Government of Hungary, factually living our daily lives in, the “collapsing” Economy of Hungary, the mounting European and Global PRESSURIZATION on the name Orban, which for his CRIMES – we are paying a “Hefty” humiliating demoralizing price, just simple on – the quality of our lives – in growing millions of Hungarians, the eradication of RESPECT for Hungary, the TRUST – in the name Hungary, through the name of Orban, being the increasing talked about and refered to as the “Judas” of DEMOCRACY – just not in the European Union, but Globally in all countrys under Governance of DEMOCRACY.
Never, never, never – going FORWARD can Hungary be a Stand alone country.
Hungary – we are IMPORTERS principally in the requirements – the NEEDS to live our lives and function exist as a country.
Hungary – importers that FACTUALLY as will be the case the on-going de-valuation of the Forint, the nadir of its downwards VALUATION in particular against the Euro, the inflation situation in Hungary will RISE – meaning cost of living, the cost of our imports paid for predominantly in Euro – it ALL becomes the BIG picture being – the INCREASING factors that will be – on Hungary, on HUNGARIANS.
Hungary – through DEMOCRACY – we have Air, we LIGHT – have HOPE – in that we can realistically SEE – as a country a FUTURE.
Orban – the Fidesz Government, what have they DELIVERED us – individually and to as a country ???
Not even devil wants orban in hell
CHOKE on this FACTUALITY – the “present” individual being the Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban and his “Heinous” and “Toxic in Culture” – Fidesz Government.
No way of Orban – Escaping – this commentary I contribute, nor his Fidesz Government of Hungary – there “Creed” of Policy & Practice of BLAME – there use of the word BLAME.
Orban, his Fidesz Government use it in a DEVILISH practice 👿.
The accusatory style belongs to those who always try to Accuse others, they live ACCUSING others.
‘No , but this is, that – No that no – this is not right, that was good.
They ALWAYS disqualify others.
They ACT as absent promoters of Justice.
Its a 👿 DEVILISH behaviour / style, used by Orban and his Fidesz Party, that applied to a biblical interpretation that the 👿 Devil, is seen as the Great Accuser – who ALWAYS accuses others.
Hungary, the deeper we are PLUNGED into Economic & Financial Chaos and Despair, our Respectability and Trust as a country being DISOLVED – the countrys of DEMOCRACY – who have ABANDONED us, through the name Victor Orban and the Fidesz Government, this “Devilish” behaviour – that has Governed us – Hungary for the past (16) sixteen years, to the “burning” fires of the “home” of the 👿Devil, they DESERVINGLY – must be sent.
The E.U. “they don’t want peace but press for war, they don’t want border controls but migrants, they don’t protect the family but gender; they don’t seek affordable energy but green policy.”
Somebody tell me: WHERE IS THE LIE???
I can tell you!
The eu wnats Russia to leave ukraine alone, hence peace.
How are family are being unprotected by the eu? They are not pushing anyone to be gay or lesbian.
About green energies, maybe you dont know that even solar panels are cheaper than wooden ones now
There are those people among us who continuously nurture their many delusions. You get one guess as to who they are. To them the EU is “Brussels”. Really? Okay, if it is “Brussels” then “Brussels” is and remains the largest foreign investor in Hungary for the past 25 years, and responsible for rebuilding much of Hungary’s infrastructure (railroads, bridges, highways, sewer and water systems, and even renewing old buildings). Rather than being a villan, this action has impacted life even daily life in Hungary in a very positive way.
While the current government nurses on the “Brussels” teat and whines about not getting fat enough because the udder is going dry, the masses in Hungary are suffering from over taxation and neglect. The reality is that this disgrace is not caused by “Brussels” or George Soros or by the “Liberal Left”. This is simply because “Brussels” George Soros and the “Liberal Left” do not control the Hungarian government. Fidesz and our Prime Minister do. When they start issuing decrees for Hungary instead of for themselves, “Brussels” and the other demons will vanish like a magician’s puff of smoke.
Concur – Grumpy Oldman.
Must continue to at every given presented OPPORTUNITY to just “pick him/them off” – fighting him/them, in the growing population in million numbers of support, from people of and from “all stations in life” in Hungary, the challenge mounted against him/them, it MUST be BUILT on – Truth & Fact.
Victor Mihaly. Orban – his LEGACY to Hungary – it WILL be – worse than the endings of Shakespeare Tragedies.
There was life in Hungary before Brussels and EU, there will be life afterwards. Does Hungary need all the lies, slurs and uneducated criminal illegal aliens generated by socialists and Brussels, the answer is no. It is time for central European nations to form their own association and leave Brussels.
There must be a reason why Germans and Dutch are fleeing to Hungary; one good reason is that Brussels ruined their successful countries.
I think you will find there are more EU citizens relocating to Germany and the Netherlands than to Hungary:
… And consider YOUNG Hungarians moving abroad, and PENSIONERS moving here. Not highly educated Dutch and German, working age people.