Opposition calls for ‘minimum standards’ in education
Opposition parties held a meeting initiated by green LMP on Wednesday to discuss setting up “minimum standards” in education policy.
Speaking at a joint press conference of the parties after the meeting, István Ikotity of LMP said that the guidelines would serve to surpass routines of the last 27 years and “avoid fundamental changes in educational policy every four years”. The concept is detailed in a paper the parties have prepared already in February, he noted.
Radical nationalist Jobbik’s deputy group leader, Dóra Dúró, said that the standards are warranted by the government’s lack of openness for long-term strategies.
The government fails to see education as a professional, financial and political investment, she said.
Gábor Erőss of Párbeszéd said that students’ rights to higher education should stand in the focus of educational policy. The government actively hinders students in obtaining higher education, he insisted.
Anett Bősz of the Liberals said that the “excessively centralised” educational system should give way to a “decentralised, freer, better” one which grants autonomy to teachers and institutions.
Source: MTi