Permanent Ferris wheel in Budapest?
Ferris Wheel Ltd. negotiated with a Turkis company about the purchase of a Ferris wheel, at work while it would like to get an at least 5-year right of land use from the capital  , Karoly Gerendai, one of the owners of the company said to If the negotiations are successful, their own Ferris wheel will be set up instead of the hired one at Erzsebet Square next year, for the whole year.
Gerendai said they began negotiating in addition to the Turks, with a Dutch company as well, but the price of the Turks is more favorable and they could carry sooner. the Turkisch company has a three-quarter-finished Ferris wheel, which the previous customer get out of, so they could buy that cheaper, but still for more than EUR 4 million.
However, since the Turks have delivered to the eastern markets so far, they have to obtain EU papers in order to bring the structure to Budapest. This wheel would be bigger than the current one, and since it would operate in the summer and winter, it would have air-cooled and heated cabins.
The case of Budapest Eye can be decided until September, while the rented wheel will be operating at Erzsebet Square.
based on the article of
translated by BA