PM Orbán warns: we’re slipping into this war

A ceasefire and peace talks are needed to resolve the war in Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public radio on Friday. “Sanctions policies are another step towards war,” Orbán said in the interview. “Anyone who intervenes in a conflict [using sanctions] also takes a position which is a step towards one of the warring parties; in other words in the direction of war,” he said.

If Europe “sees itself as part of the war”, it will be drawn into it, and the dangers to Hungary will grow, he said. “It’s clear that little by little we’re slipping into this war; we’re not being shot at yet, but we are very close to becoming party to the war … What Europe is doing is very dangerous,” he said. Hungary talks the language of peace but “no one else is following that line,” he said.

Orbán: Hungary aims to bypass Europe’s recession

The government aims to bypass the trend towards recession in Europe, he said. Also, over the next year, the aim is to maintain full employment and a growth rate above the European Union average, as well as “our national strategic goals: unification of the nation and support for families”, Orbán said.

In order to preserve the country’s achievements, the government has launched schemes to rescue factories and support small and medium-sized firms. It has also placed a cap on certain prices and interest paid on retail loans, while helping restaurants and accommodation providers, he noted. The government is canvassing public opinion on how to make the situation bearable for businesses and ordinary people, and feedback is constant, the prime minister said.

Read alsoHungary’s economy in shambles: recession, persistent inflation, empty shelves

Hungary not to support policy of sanctions in future either

Hungary has never supported the policy of sanctions and will not support it in the future either, Orbán said. Hungary cannot afford to exercise its right to veto at every stage, he said. Sometimes “we have to let some things go”, Orbán said. “[But] we should keep fighting for exemptions that are in line with Hungary’s interests.” It follows that “Hungary has so far evaded the most devastating consequences of the sanctions”, the prime minister said, vowing to continue pursuing this policy.

Read alsoTrump’s election announcement echoes Orbán’s speeches

Source: MTI


  1. There is a wrong assumption in King Viktor statements, that is a war only between Russia and Ukraine. The fact is that this is already WW3 at different layers: physical war on Ukrainian territory, economical/media war globally. However, for proximity, Europe is generally the most affected.

  2. Mr. Orbán again incorrectly claims we are the only ones calling for peace.

    Perhaps he missed the G20 communique, where Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union called for peace, cessation of hostilities and an end to the war in Ukraine, underlining that the continuation of the ongoing situation will have adverse impacts on food and energy security.

    „’The peaceful resolution of conflicts, efforts to address crises, as well as diplomacy and dialogue, are vital. Today’s era must not be of war,’ the communique said.

    When Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, they lose their country. Pehaps Mr. Szijjártó should relay this message to his infamous counterpart, Mr. Lavrov (there could be a photo opportunity there – #facebook!).

  3. @Norbert
    If Ukraine keeps fighting the fight they started, there wont be a “Ukraine”. Oh!, didnt start or provoke it? Ask the previous Chocolate factory president they had who admitted they were going to disregard Minsk, and build up firepower to fight Russia. And they did, it was scheduled for Feb 25, Putyin clearly stated, they wouldnt wait to respond to an attack. Who do you think you fooling Norby, or is it Mario still?

  4. @Védő:
    😮 😮
    I read your comment two or three times, and it seems you are actually saying that Ukraine would have attacked Russia. 😮 Only another lunatic (like Putin) would attack Russia.

    Please tell us, why YOU think Ukraine would seek to attack Russia, or to start a war with Russia?

    Please share with us where P.P. “admitted” that they would disregard the Minsk agreements.

    There are a lot of extreme viewspoints out there, and I must say that yours is definitely in the top 3 or 4, along with the one Trump is trumpeting about how the last election was stolen from him.

    – No elections in Hungary for a while yet, but V.O. is AGAIN scaremongering about about the possibility of direct conflict – WAR (“It’s clear that little by little we’re slipping into this war; we’re not being shot at yet, but we are very close to becoming party to the war … What Europe is doing is very dangerous,) – in order to divert people’s attention from how bad t HIS Government is performing. …Same old story, blame the EU, blame Soros, blame the refugees, and now blame the war (again) for everything bad that happens in Hungary. – The boy who cried wolf.

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