Danube bank getting green at Buda

As Szeretlekmagyarorszag reported, the result of the recent competition was announced: it was revealed that the coastline of the Danube between Felhévíz and Budapest University of Technology and Economics will be rebuilt on four sections. Two entries applied for the competition related to the new view of the Danube at the Buda side, both will be carried out.

The focus of the competition was the structure of the docks and the bottom dock at Buda. These, if done well, would offer spectacular opportunities for locals and tourists alike to go for a walk or a boat trip along the coastline. They would also help the connection between the city and the river bank.

The committee decided that both entries contain solutions that worth execution but neither of them is sufficient in itself, so both plans will be used.

They take Korzó Tervezési Stúdió’s idea as the basis, while the parts of S73’s plans related to the renewal of the Danube bank will also be executed.

The blueprints determined four areas of operation for which the committee received plans that are executable and compatible with each other.

Újlak area

This operational area involves the improvement of the public space along Szépvölgyi Street, as well as the renewal of the green areas between Árpád Fejedelem Street and the Slachta Margit Dock.

Felhévíz area

The task here is to renew the green area in front of Lukács Bath and its wider surroundings.

Vízváros area

The plans are about the reformation of Bam József Square, the restoration of the public space of Fő Street and the renewal of Szilágyi Dezső Square.

Lágymányos area

The fourth stage of the plans includes the renewal of the cross-section of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, increasing the capacity of the pedestrian and bicycle roads, as well providing the proper venue for the regular events hosted on the square.

The admissions are about to be given, the execution itself depends on the available funds, as Budapest’s chief architect Miklós Mártonffy stated.

Photo: Fővárosi Önkormányzat

Source: Szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu

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