Washington hosts first-ever US Hungarian diaspora conference

Washington, DC was the venue for the first-ever Hungarian diaspora conference held in the US, and coincided with an official visit by the state secretary for Hungarian communities abroad.
At the event held at the Hungarian Embassy on Friday, Lőrinc Nacsa the Hungarian government’s aims and aspirations, as well as the various support programmmes for Hungarian communities abroad.
He called on local Hungarian communities to cooperate with each other and Hungarian organisations should arrange celebrations jointly, so the Hungarian state can support them, adding that rather than competing they should cooperate so as to “survive over time”. Nacsa told MTI that the leaders of US-Hungarian diaspora groups and communities can help to build relations US-Hungary ties, which are now on a new footing.

Szabolcs Takács, Hungary’s ambassador to the US, told MTI that diaspora meetings held across the US should become a tradition and should be held at least once a year. He said his job involved lifting red tape that burdened the lives of Hungarians in America, such as former entry restrictions introduced during the Biden administration and visa difficulties which affected the Korosi Csoma scholarship holders who help local Hungarian communities strengthen their identity. Diaspora leaders attending the Washington meeting came from Florida, Georgia, California, Cleveland and Chicago, he noted.
Read also:
- Government supports preserving identity of diaspora Hungarians
Its a LIE – a Fabrication of TRUTH.
Why then, is the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary – not renewing passport holders – from the DEMOCRATIC countrys of – America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – rejecting – non approving extensions to the thousands of people from these (4) four named Democratic countrys to REMAIN and live, numbers of which, have lived in Hungary for years, of living/working in Hungary – numbers being Retirees – why are they being TOLD – at the end of your status under a Residency Permit, of NO right to vote at a National Election, issued for a (2) two year period, then need of a re-application process – why at the end of there current Residency Permits are there being told – by this Orban led Fidesz Government – of being non approval – don’t meet the CRITERIA to be granted a Residency Permit therefor, you have 30 days to LEAVE – get out of Hungary.
The approval – past, to be GRANTED approval of being the status under a Residency Permit, the blow POINTS – had to be answered – to be APPROVED for a Residency Permit Card.
Residency Card Holders – are you employed, retired or what is your requirement of a Residency Permit Card.
Residency Card Holders – do NOT have to speak nor write Hungarian.
Residency Permit Holders – are SELF Funded individuals.
Residency Permit Holders have there OWN – Private Medical Coverage Policies.
Residency Permit Holders have NO voting RIGHTS.
Residency Permit Holders – must produce a LEASE agreement of there place of LIVING.
Residency Permit Holders – must produce Bank Details – to Support that they can SUPPORT them-selves.
Residency Permit Holders – get NO “freebies” – take “nothing for nothing” from the Orban led Fidesz Government.
WHY ???
Americans, Canadians, Australians & New Zealanders – WHY are we BEING told – to LEAVE – Hungary ????
Peoples from countrys of the European Union – the CREED of member countrys being of DEMOCRACY, it appears not as “black & white” – not of TOTAL agreement for the renewal of Residency Permits, but of FLEXABILITY.
WHY – Americans, Canadians, Australians & New Zealanders – from DEMOCRATIC in practice country’s – WHY are we being told to EXIT – Hungary ?????