Does Hungary need stricter Covid restrictions? – Here are the current changes

The fourth wave of the novel coronavirus seems to have reached Europe, and as the infection numbers reveal, the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 is even more infectious than other variants before. But what are the current measures in Hungary?

At the time of writing this article, there are no major restrictions introduced due to the coronavirus in Hungary, but because of the growing number of infections both in the neighbouring countries and within Hungary itself, the public has many questions, and the government is currently holding meetings on the matter.

According to the most recent measures:

  • Mask-wearing is only mandatory in health and social institutions (hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc.).
  • Catering units, accommodations, recreational facilities, and cultural events with seating can be attended without an immunity certificate (these include restaurants, hotels, cinemas, and theatres).
  • Larger events may require you to have an immunity certificate, but exceptions can apply, such as the Hungarian World Hunting Expo and some other events.

If you want to attend an event but are uncertain of the applicable restrictions, you can always contact the organisers who can provide more detailed information.

Hungary is currently focusing its coronavirus prevention on vaccinating its population. There are currently over 5,579,000 people who have been fully vaccinated. Hungary was also the first country in the EU to introduce the possibility of a third jab. Currently, there are 626,000 people who have received their booster jab.

The latest changes include schools and contact tracing. According to NΓ©pszava, the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources has disallowed schools to change to online education or order educational measures (cancelling classes, suspending education, etc.) in some grades.

What kind of events can be attended without an immunity certificate in Hungary?

According to the restriction, classes that have students over 12, meaning that vaccination is available to them, cannot change to online education. Although the schools themselves cannot order quarantine for these classes, they are still subject to epidemiological measures going forward.

Additionally, contact tracing in schools has changed, NΓ©pszava said. According to the modifications, people in schools, including educators, students, and any staff members, are not subject to contact tracing if they have been vaccinated or have recovered from the virus within the last six months, even if someone in their immediate family member has been infected.

Chaos in Hungarian schools? – COVID-19 seems to grow rampant

RTL Klub also tried to get some information concerning the current state of epidemiological measures in workplaces, but the President of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry told them that β€œthere is no protocol, everyone strives to maintain their business”.

The Hungarian National Centre for Public Health told the channel that those who have been in contact with a person infected by the coronavirus but have been fully vaccinated can continue to go to work.

Virologist MiklΓ³s Rusvai advised that such people use masks in enclosed spaces. The expert added that if you are feeling ill, contact your general practitioner and follow their advice.

“Although vaccinated people can still go to work even if they have contacted someone with the virus, if they have a positive test themselves, they too must be quarantined for 10 days. Only healthy contacts are exempt from quarantine,” reports 24.



One comment

  1. There is absolutely no reason to re enact all the past measures. That is unless someone is deliberately trying to wreck the businesses and jobs of this nation. A majority have taken the jabs and it is time to stop creating fear with an illness that only is dangerous to old people with other health issues and people with other serious medical problems. By all means if you are fearful wear your face mask everywhere you go or stay home. The other 90 plus percent of people should not have to be held hostage by fears of the minority. The Hungarian government has done an excellent job responding to this crisis and now it is time to pust this situation behind us.

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