Drastic changes in Hungarian higher education: being a university student has never been so easy

You don’t even need a language exam, you can fail as many times as you like: it’s beginning to look a lot like a golden life for university students in Hungary. The admission rules are being overhauled as well. As a result, it will be practically impossible to drop out of university. On top of that, another language exam amnesty will arrive. Hungarian higher education rules are changing drastically this year.

No need for a language exam

So far, there were two main criteria for university students to obtain their diploma. Passing the final exam and presenting the required language test (at least a B2 complex in the case of a bachelor’s degree). Universities can now decide whether to ask students to take a language assessment or language exam. This decision also means that students who have already graduated will be able to get their diploma without a language exam, Eduline reports.

It will be almost impossible to drop out

Previously, if a student failed a subject six times, the university could dismiss them. This is changing this year – you can fail as many times as you “like”. This means that it will be almost impossible to drop out of university. Of course, it will still be possible to lose student status, but only for disciplinary or financial reasons, Eduline writes.

State scholarships remain even with a worse average

It will be harder to lose a place on a state scholarship than before, napi.hu reports. This is because higher education institutions will be able to decide exactly what they expect their students to achieve in return for free education. In most places, it is possible to keep a place on a state scholarship with a lower average than before.

No A-level final exam required for university entrance

University admissions are also being reformed. In the autumn, universities and colleges published their new admission rules. They revealed that from 2023, most courses will no longer require an A-level school-leaving certificate (emelt szintű érettségi). Intermediate level exams will be satisfactory.

Interest rate freeze on student loans

It was announced at the beginning of December that the interest rate freeze will be extended to the open-ended student loan, Student Loan 1, from 1 January 2023. Student loan 2 is not affected by the decision, as this type was already interest-free. What is also new is that women under 30 who have a child (or adopt a child) during their higher education studies or within two years of successfully completing them will receive a non-refundable grant of 100 percent of their student loan debt.

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Source: eduline.hu, napi.hu

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