Easier access to Lake Balaton from Budapest from Monday!

The Hungarian State Railways (MÁV)’s pre-season timetable will start tomorrow, on 13 May. This means that more trains will be available to reach Lake Balaton from Budapest and other parts of the country.

Lake Balaton easier to reach from tomorrow

lake balaton máv budapest train travel
Source: mavcsoport.hu

From 13 May, MÁV-START will operate more frequent trains to the Hungarian sea according to the pre-season timetable. “In line with the practice of the last few years, we are preparing not only more trains and thus more frequent services but also more bicycle transport capacity, higher quality and additional services,” MÁV-START reports.

In addition to the standard trains, which run on average every hour, the larger coastal towns will be served by additional services. Compared to the so-called winter/off-season timetable, the pre-season schedule will be extended, with more IC coaches and multiple units, providing more space for passengers than in the early spring.

Balaton Uplands National Park hiking destination
Source: Facebook / Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park

More details about the new off-season timetable and the trains in our article HERE.

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