EC to launch infringement procedure against Hungary: forint starts to plummet

The European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to Hungary, launching an infringement procedure over the country’s Sovereignty Protection Act. As a result, the Hungarian forint started to fall again.
Last week saw a significant forint strengthening following the central bank’s surprising decision concerning the lowering of the base rate. We wrote about that in THIS article. However, it seems the trend turned upside down this week following the announcement of the EC about a new infringement procedure. Now the forint-euro exchange rate stands above 388.
In a press release on the February infringement package, the EC said the law, adopted on Dec 12 and in force since Dec 22, 2023, breached EU law.
The statement noted that the law established the Sovereignty Protection Office, “tasked with investigating specific activities carried out in the interest of another State or a foreign body, organisation or natural person, if they are likely to violate or jeopardise the sovereignty of Hungary; and organisations whose activities using foreign funding may influence the outcome of elections or the will of voters.”
Further, the law contains provisions and amendments to already existing legislation “that prohibit candidates, political parties and associations participating in elections from using foreign funding to influence or attempt to influence the will of voters for the elections in question, and to punish under criminal law the use of foreign funding in the context of elections,” the EC said.
In violation of several EU laws
After a “thorough assessment”, the EC said it found the law to be in violation of several EU laws, “among others the democratic values of the Union; the principle of democracy and the electoral rights of EU citizens; several fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, such as the right to respect for private and family life, the right to protection of personal data, the freedom of expression and information, the freedom of association, the electoral rights of EU citizens, the right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial, the privilege against self-incrimination and the legal professional privilege; the requirements of EU law relating to data protection and several rules applicable to the internal market.”
Hungary has two months to reply to the letter of formal notice. Should it not address the issues listed in the letter, the EC may step up the procedure by sending a reasoned opinion.
Hungarian government: sovereignty law ‘under attack’ because it aims to prevent foreign influence
Brussels “and the owners of the dollar left are attacking” Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Act because it is aimed at preventing foreign influence in Hungary’s affairs “via the Soros-affiliated rolling dollars”, the state secretary for international communication and relations said on Wednesday.
The European Commission on Wednesday sent a letter of formal notice to Hungary, launching an infringement procedure over the Sovereignty Protection Act, saying it breached EU law.
Zoltán Kovács said in a post on Facebook that it was a “fact” that “the dollar left’s top contributor” in the 2022 general election campaign had been US financier George Soros.
He noted that the Sovereignty Protection Act criminalises the acceptance of foreign campaign donations.
The state secretary said the government was standing by the law, as 98 percent of the respondents to the last National Consultation public survey had expressed agreement with the legislation.
In a statement, ruling Fidesz said “we are not even surprised” that “Brussels does not like it that the Sovereignty Protection Act has criminalised the acceptance of foreign campaign financing”.
Hungarian left accepted dollars, euros
“The [Hungarian] left took the unprecedented step in the spring of 2022 of accepting dollars, euros and pounds from abroad for their [general election] campaign and it is not known ever since what they had promised in exchange,” the party said.
“It is political corruption, foreign influence in Hungarian elections and an unlawful attack on Hungary’s sovereignty,” it said.
The party reiterated its position of calling for tightening the rules on attempted foreign influence, asserting that “only the Hungarian people are entitled to decide about Hungary’s future”.
Read also:
- EU infringement procedure against Bulgaria will start due to Hungary? – Read more HERE
- Hungarian leftist opposition supports infringement of the rights of Hungarian students, researchers and professors?
The “infringement” is the Hungarian government doing what its nation elected it to do rather than what the unelected globalist-socialist stooges of the E.U. demand it do. Go fly a kite, EUrotrash!!!
Long read – bit older, some bias, still interesting observations regarding our “National Consultation”:
Even if you disagree with all the conclusions of this piece – this is how a lot of other Members and MEPS see it – and this influences their behaviour (hint: no, it is not “Soros!”).
Re the European Union – I hate to bring this up again, but if you sign up for a treaty, you relinquish some of your sovereignty. In exchange for valuable consideration. In our case – being part of the Single Market, affording the freedom of movement of goods, persons, services and capital with-in the EU, and lots of CASH (we are a TAKER, as opposed to a Contributor):
We cannot even raise teachers pay without the EU chipping in. So much for Sovereignty and being self sufficient.
Steiner Michael you again expose your “Blind Sightedness.”
In the joining by Hungary, in May 2004, to the ” Family” of European – DEMOCRATICALLY Governed country’s by Hungary, it was KNOWN, that certain sections of Laws pertaining to the Sovereignty of Hungary, became “Null and Void”.
Hungary “signed” the “papers of contract” – in KNOWLEDGE of this FACT.
The cataclysmic position, that your “Demigod” – Victor Orban had delivered this country that I reside, not like you and your Hungarian born wife, looking at the outside in, all the WRONGNESS associated to the Political Philosophies – Ideology of Victor Orban, that “FIGHT” Democracy, the MESS that Orban, the Government of Hungary, the Political Party you are of Membership – Fidesz, just ENCASED with the in-ability to accept and understand COMPLIANCE.
To comply means that at times, such as Hungary, in joining the European Union, we had to forgo certain sections of Laws of Sovereignty, that empowered – gave right to the European Union Laws of Membership, and that they be exercised and practiced by Hungary – under COMPLIANCE.
Steiner Michael – it’s rather simplistic to explain – not needing to be an Emeritus – Professor at Law, like this commentator, the understanding of giving up, surrendering parts of sections of Sovereignty to “other” Laws, in ORDER to Comply, be part of.
Wow – Steiner Michael – your Man, the growing gargantuan pressurizations on HIM, that grow, the nadir of them, will be UGLY, and to what extent he DRAGS Hungary into the DEEPENING Black Hole we are descending, literally is SCARY.
Hungary – the on-going HUMILIATION bought on us, by Victor Orban – Appalling.