Ecumenical prayer week begins in Hungary
Cardinal Peter Erdő, Hungary’s Catholic leader, stressed the importance of the “helping love” that binds Christians together and touches everyone, at the opening of an ecumenical prayer week at Saint Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest on Sunday evening.
Christians are united by the fact that they are all disciples of Christ and recognise Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, the Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest said.
“And if we are his disciples, then we must follow his teachings,” he added.
Explaining the story of the Good Samaritan, the central parable of the prayer week, Erdo said the message of the parable was that “for the sake of God, we must turn to each other with helping love and we cannot exclude anyone from this love”.
Reformed Church Bishop József Steinbach, head of the Ecumenical Council of Hungarian Churches, said the introduction to the parable of the Good Samaritan, when a lawyer asks Jesus what he should do to inherit eternal life, highlighted “that all of our problems … stem from the fact that we have become separated from God and are mortal”.
read also:
- Hungarian Catholic Church goes against Pope Francis concerning blessing same-sex couples – details HERE
- State secretary Azbej talks about Christian persecution in Europe, details HERE.
Ecumenical week of prayer
The biblical motto for this year’s ecumenical week of prayer is found in the Gospel of Luke:
‘Love the Lord your God. and your neighbour as yourself.’
The central Gospel presents the contrasts of unity-sharing and love-hatred, but the parable of the Good Samaritan also highlights the importance of hospitality.
According to the information, the material for this year’s event was prepared by the Ecumenical Council of Burkina Faso in Africa, and the final text was produced by members of the international commission set up by the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity of the Vatican.
The ecumenical week of prayer has been held since 1908, when it was first attended by members of the Anglican and Catholic Churches and held in Graymoor, United States. Since 1968, prayer books have been produced for the event and sent around the world to be translated into local languages.
The event also has a long tradition in Hungary.
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Peter, frustrates me.
I Pray for him, the continuation of talking above peoples heads and not looking at them, into there Hearts, there Eyes and there Souls.
The “Cardinal” in his appointment, as Christ Jesus was – a simple TEACHER – misses the simplicity of Teaching the Word of God.
In the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan, hospitality extended to our Brothers & Sisters in Christ is clearly message but should have by Peter – directed at the PEOPLE – included the word Deeds we do for each other, as instruments of the Peace, the Un-conditional Love of Christ Jesus in abundance he offers has for each and every-one.
Over his Head – in giving his “supposed” Teaching – from the Pulpit that he could have had projected onto a screen, for all in the “pews” to read – that could have assisted Peter get the MESSAGE out there – the un-conditional Love, his Mercy, his Forgiveness – that Chris Jesus “invites” offers us in our LIVES – the screen messages of a TEACHER talking at and NOT over the Heads of those in the “pews” could have been said worded presented by Peter ;
“That in the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan besides Hospitality we rightfully should exhibit to each other, let us reflect on “other” Saintly words, there TEACHING to us – that yes include Hospitality but broaden what we can or should SHARE together as God’s children – instruments or “vessels” of the Un-conditional Love that Christ Jesus wants to share with us in our Lives.
– St Francis of Assisi – “The Deeds you do may be the only Sermon some person may Hear to-day.”
– Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres – order motto – “The Charity of Christ URGES Us.”
– ” We all can be instruments of Christ Jesus his – Peace & Love – by being simple & humble workers – in the vineyard of the Lord.”
– Prophet Samuel – shared – his TEACHING – ” The Lord does not see as Man does.
For man sees the outward appearance, but the Lord sees the Heart.”
– St Thomas Aquinas – “The THINGS we Love tell us who we are.”
– St. Madelaine Sophie Barat – “be Humble – Be Simple – Bring Joy’s to other.”
Peter could have TAUGHT Sunday evening in the Basilica of St Stephens – on the style, inclusive of MESSAGES from the TEACHING of Saints, that are focused that are ENCASED that broadens the word HOSPITALITY.
Peter – at the people – simplicity of teaching the spreading of Gods message and NOT over there Heads.
We in our vows, through Ordination – must as St Augustine TAUGHT us :
” We must Sow the Seed, not Haunt it.”
“Prayer is the Oxygen of the Soul” – Saint Padre Pio.
The Glory Be, the shortest and sweetest prayer in the Catholic treasury.
We rightly use it as a “finish up” prayer after meetings or “other” prayers and perhaps, at the end of our day after examining our consciousness, interceding for others, and Thanking God, for ALL the Good Things, before we sleep.
Interesting sitting listening to Cardinal Peter Erdo talk, as I don’t “feel” much preaching is found in his style of presentation.
Is it “thin” and “narrow’ ?
Decades on it remains conservative plus, enough at times that “nod off” time can easily be taken.
The parable of the Good Samaritan, the “riches” it holds in exploring and expanding it’s message, greater in depth, than talked on last evening by Cardinal Erdo, that centered on hospitality – very narrow.
Referred to by a previous commentator, is the “Wisdom” the Wealth of Richness found in teachings by those of Sainthood.
St Ignatius of Loyola – founder of the Jesuits, not forgetting His Holiness Pope Francis is a Jesuit, the first to occupy the Seat of St Peter.
St Ignatius could have helped Cardinal Erdo “expand” his talk last evening on Hospitality, by a “teaching” of his that centers on Deeds which is interfaced with acts of Hospitality.
St Ignatius said;
“Love ought to show itself in Deeds more than words.”
Peter – as Hungary’s Cardinal – look the “Faithful” – look ALL – into there Face, your appointment in your Priestley Ministry, a “servant” messenger of the Word of God, that challenges them, speaking to them – the “inner core” of them, there Hearts and there Souls – tell them, that through Prayer, making time in our lives for PRAYER, that it nourishes enriches us – grows us – draws us closer to our Lord & Saviour Christ Jesus.
Prayer – the Power – rewards of Prayer – the use, with a humble and a contrite Heart, speaking with Christ Jesus – the riches of his offerings to ALL – through his Un-conditional Love, his Mercy and Forgiveness that in abundance he has for ALL – for he is the GREATEST friend – we know through Doctrine of his “Friendship” offering(s) – his FRIENDSHIP that will be the strongest we experience in our Earthly lives.
Personal Prayer – its rewards, then inter-face that with finding time to read the Bible.
Personally when asked of me, what reading the Bible – what “Kick” I get out of that – it’s SIMPLE to answer because it FEEDS me.
Prayer – nourishment, growth enrichment.
The Bible – it’s Feed – in it’s containment which is a GARGANTUAN Menu to choose from.
SIMPLICITY from the Pulpit – Peter, in the Message.
Word usage like I use, fitting to this century and not of the past like “Kick” instead what I receive.
Feet on the ground stuff from the pulpit instead of ‘Head up in the Clouds jargon – talking over the heads of the congregation or “others” – that is OVER there heads.
This “brotherly” advice, must be inclusive in your writing(s) – in all aspects of Religious or Biblical communication – to speak at the PEOPLE, the “children” – those you are RESPONSIBE never forgetting that we ALL are “children” of Christ Jesus.
“Some things Speak directly to the Soul.”
Peter – Cardinal of Hungary – one of the (2) two Pontiffs of your “publicized” favouritism – Pope Benedict VX1, the other being Saint Pope John Paul 11, traditionalist conservative Popes, as you are in your Cardinalship, in this Blessed message he gave us, was saying – teaching us -that through Prayer, talking to – Listening to Christ Jesus, through his Gift of the Holy Spirit given granted us, through his Un-conditional Love for each & every one of US – we will be rewarded.
Pope Benedict XV1 – recommended being a “Hero” of yours Peter, that you preach/teach practice follow his way – of talking at the “Faithful” directly and not up in the “Celestial” Heaven.
Christ Jesus waits with great Patience never as he promised abandoning us, to talk to us, his un-conditional Love to each and every one of us, waiting to hear us – our voices through Prayer – our personal conversation(s) in Prayer with him.
Pope Benedict “shared” with us that through Prayer – the “hundredfold” in return we are granted in our lives, through the un-conditional LOVE – talking in prayer to Christ Jesus.
Pope Benedict said:
” Are we all perhaps afraid in someway ? if we let Christ fully into our Lives, if we totally open ourselves to Him, are we not afraid he may take something away from us ?
No – if we let Christ into our Lives, we loose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great.
No – only in this Friendship do we experience beauty and liberation .
When we give ourselves to Him, we receive a hundredfold in return.
Yes, open, open wide the doors to Christ – and you will find True Life.”
Pope Benedict XV1 – speaks to US – at us, that “moves” us through our conscience to THINK – to PRAY talk in Prayer to Christ Jesus – to find him, live with him, in him, and through him, be an instrument in our lives to ALL – of his Peace and his Un-conditional Love for each and every one of us.
The Power of Prayer – alignment with God – a togetherness.
The real Power of Prayer is when you will and desires come into alignment with God’s will and desires.
Speaking in our prayers finding THAT time, making time, the making of adjustments in our daily lives that through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, listening to his gift to each and every one of us through the Holy Spirit – the voice of Christ Jesus speaking back – answering US – which is driven by and through our Faith, our Trust, our Belief and Love of him.
When this alignment, bought about by Prayer, there is NOTHING that God will not do in answer to prayer because our prayers are already aligned with what Our Heavenly Father wants and prays for us to receive, in the living of our lives that being – With Him, In Him and Through Him – that is encased – in his un-conditional Love that in abundance he has for each and every one of Us.
St Elizabeth tells us – Teaches us ;
” In our daily work, do the Will of God; do it in the manner he Wills it; and do it – because he Wills it.”
” To you I hear I say, Love your enemies, do good to those that hate you, bless those who curse you PRAY for those that mistreat you.”
St. Luke – his inclusion, never far removed in his teachings and messages “gifted” us, the word PRAYER.
Christ Jesus often took “time out” found space to be alone speaking in Prayer to his Father.
I have often wondered whether we do not know more of God, because we are not still enough to encounter him.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
” Let us Pray.”
In the Celebration of the Eucharist, remembering the various parts of the Celebration of the Eucharist, the “story” journey, events – it’s “packaged” message – that is contained in the Celebration of the Eucharist.
It’s a never ending story, that in its Riches teaches us the reasons, why through – the Love of his Father, we being given as he promised His most beloved Son, sent to live amongst us, and what he “suffered” so that we could have New Life, and that by us “following Him” – in living – the practice conduct of our daily lives, our lives In Him, With Him, and Through Him, we will be rewarded.
The story of the Mass – it’s parts, the Celebration of the Eucharist – all are Spiritually Up-lifting and Enriching.
The celebrant after the Gloria, before we “share” the Collect, invites the congregation to “Let us Pray.”
“Let us Pray” – its of paramount importance in our lives PRAYER – individual personal Prayer, or together – the congregation joining acknowledging as we do – agreeing to, prior to the reading of the Collect – our presence in the Celebration of the Eucharist to – “Lets us Pray.”
Prayers of Intercession.
In the celebration of the Eucharist, we answering, celebrant included – together to the Prayers of Intercession – the global preference by congregations is – Lord, hears our Prayers.
This is a Prayer.
The “Richness” together – we the “Body of Christ” in the celebration of the Eucharist, joining in PRAYER responding in this part of the Mass, just prior to the Gospel reading, in response to the Prayers of Intercession together ALL answering – Lord, hear our Prayer.
Intercessory Prayer – is the act of praying to a God on behalf of others, or asking a Saint in the “House of God” – Heaven, to pray on behalf of oneself or for others.
St Paul, the Apostle – his “exhortation” – his urging to Timothy “zoned in” specified that intercession PRAYERS – should be made for ALL people.
” I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanks-giving, be made for ALL people – for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quite lives, in ALL godliness and holiness.”
– Timothy : 2;1-2.
It’s a Will of God, in our lives that we do God’s will, that is to practice through our Faith, Belief, Trust and Love of Christ Jesus, being “instruments” of his un-conditional Love for each of us, that can be termed the Sharing of his Love.
The Deeds we do for others in our Life, which hospitality falls under, we are doing God’s Will.
In the message of St. Luke’s Gospel, the motto for the Ecumenical Week, we are reminded of need to extend our Love, through our Faith, Trust, Belief and Love of Christ Jesus to our Neighbours – our Brothers & Sisters in Christ Jesus – the Sharing of the Love we have in ourselves granted given to us by Christ Jesus.
The Great Commandment – it’s message:
” Thou shall Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind.
This is the First & Great Commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shall Love thy Neighbour as thyself.”
Neighbourly Love – it is written, in the words, the message of the First & Great Commandment.
In the Sharing of our Love, with “others” – the “instruments” of the Peace & Love of Christ Jesus granted “gifted” us – we must exercise Patience & Tolerance.
Saint Madelaine Sophie Barat – French – one of the Founder Saints, the founder of the Order known as the Mothers of the Sacred Heart circa 1800’s and canonized in 1925 – left us a message;
“We don’t live with Angles; we have to live with Human nature and Forgive it.”
The Sharing of our Love – is not about being Religious or looking Pious.
It’s about being SELFLESS.
The Catechism of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, in it’s section on Liturgical music, quotes the famous St Augustine expression;
” He who sings Prays twice.”
Have you ever stopped to think about that ?
St. Augustine – his assertion, is very much in accord with the sentiments expressed in Sacred Scripture, where we find myriads countless or extremely great in number of people or things of exhortations to “Sing to the Lord.”
Songs like Climb Every Mountain – from the Sound of Music, stuck in my head, with its ENCOURAGEMENT to search for one’s vocation – driven by PRAYER and pursue it.
Indeed Mother Abbess explained that whatever our Christian vocation it is :
“A Dream that Will need – All the Love you can Give – Every Day of your Life – For as Long as you Live.”
PLACE the word Prayer – the pivotal role place, that PRAYER plays in our Lives – for as Long as we live our Earthly lives.
A Dream, speaking in Prayer, with Christ Jesus, that we know he will Listen.
“They Will be Done” – in the answering of our Dream, in speaking in Prayer with him, that through our Faith, our Trust, our Belief and LOVE of Christ Jesus, that what-ever the circumstances outcome – that his Will – the Will of God, will be his answer.
We know in Prayer – it’s willed, the invitation to speak with Christ Jesus, he prays for us, wants to hear our voices speaking with him in Prayer.
Saint Mary MacKillop founder of the order – Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart “shared” with us this powerful message ;
” Believe in the whispering of God in your own Heart.”
Prayer – answered through the Gift of the Holy Spirit granted ALL through the un-conditional Love of Christ Jesus, speaking to us “whispering” responding to our Prayers.
We know we are NEVER abandoned and in Prayer the fulfilment of his promises to us, in what we Pray to him, ask from him, that NOTHING absolutely NOTHING is Impossible.
I have a reputation, in my role as an Educator in Rome, to seminarians, not just Italian, but those who come to us, from all corners of God’s created gifted to us universe, to live & share, to study for the Priesthood, the NEED of – there understanding, there exhibiting to me, displaying to me – in the conduct of there life, just not as seminarians – but in the entire practice, the conduct of there lives, the importance meaning of Obedience.
Sadly, within the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the decline of OBEDIENCE post Vatican 11 personally “burdens” me.
The word factually in mankind in this 21st century – you never hear it spoken, nor in the practice of it, gives strong evidence of it being abused not being seen as part of human behaviour that is a “Core” in the being of life to-day.
Loving as I have always when away from Rome, for “professional” needs or on holidays in travel, to listen to “Teaching” from sermons in Churches, by “brother” priests, that I join there “flock” congregations to Celebrate the Eucharist, do I hear the word from the lectern or pulpit – OBEDIENCE.
In – Prayers of Intersession – when asked if I would like to make a contribution, as the celebrant or “other” – my “sharing” is that we pray to grow in OBEDIENCE – in the practice of our Faith, the practice of our lives as “Disciples” of Christ Jesus.
There is Beauty, a richness in the Word obedience, that could be exampled – that in the practice of our lives, that I will be, in my words, in my thoughts and in my DEEDS and grow in my OBEDIENCE to the Word – Christ Jesus.
Is there serenity in the word ?
Certainly there Is.
In “finding” of time for Prayer in our Lives, growing in speaking, accepting the invitation of Christ Jesus to speak with him, his never altered position, the fulfillment of his promise of non-abandonment of us, requires in practice from us “Obedienta” – latin for Obedience.
Understanding ourselves, growing asking in our Prayers, for guidance and understanding in our lives must be the practice of Discipline.
If we are not of Discipline “fragmented” in its application in our lives, the practice of OBEDIENCE will be “deeply” challenged.
The (2) two run in parallel with each other, for without being Disciplined – in control of your-self – your life – having an understanding of your-self, a place of comfort within you and your life, without DISCIPLINE we are TESTED.
To often, I hear “modern” medicine being used to bring about change to human behaviour of lack of Discipline.
The non practice of DEEPER prayer usage – speaking humble – the one on one process usage of PRAYER in our Lives, asking for God’s help his “healing” that we grow, through Him, with him and In Him – in our DISCIPLINE.
In speaking in Prayer knowing he is listening, knows our words our thoughts our actions – before we “play them” action them out in the practice conduct of our lives, that NOTHING absolutely NOTHING – through prayer, speaking with Christ Jesus is IMPOSSIBLE.
St. Thomas “teaches” us;
“He who is Humble easily Obeys everyone, fears to offend anyone, is at Peace with everyone is KIND to all.”
Obedience, in human behaviour is a form, a practice, that requires one to “Yield” – to explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure.
We, in the giving of ourselves, to Christ Jesus, centering our Lives, with Him. in Him and Through Him, in the living of his word, our Faith, our Trust, Belief and Love of Christ Jesus speaking to him in our Prayers, listening to Him speaking with us, through his gift to us of the Holy Spirit, this “behaviour” is an acceptance in us, being OBEDIENT.
Discipline and Obedience – the rewards from Prayer in our Lives – just watch see and FEEL the growth in you, to “sing out” and “jump for joy” in hearing the name Christ Jesus, and your deepened through commitment role as an INSTRUMENT – of the Peace, the Love of Christ Jesus he has in abundance for each and every one of us – his much un-conditionally LOVED children.
Ecumenical Prayer Week, the ever presence of the Holy Spirit speaking to us – replying to us through our Prayerfulness what ever our role or participation has been, individually we have GROWN.
In the growth of our Faith, our Trust, Belief and LOVE of Christ Jesus, when taking “quite time” – reflective time possible meditative time, listening to our own bodies, this is a time, an assessment examination time, listening to the “whispers” into our Hearts – Christ Jesus – through his gift to us of the Holy Spirit, speaking to us, that we will know feel experience the “Richness” of rewards given granted us over this past week.
I close my commentaries, shared with you over the past week.
May they have been “nourishment” to you, as you, we ALL can never have enough through PRAYER in speaking with Christ Jesus, what he has for each and every one of us in return, that is his Mercy, his Forgiveness and his Un-conditional LOVE.
Pope Francis heard him often speak never FAILS to through the Wisdom granted him by God, to remind us that the Church is Missionary.
Are we ALL not sent through our Faith, Trust, Belief and Love of Christ Jesus – on a Mission that through the conduct of our daily lives promotes the Word of God ?
We know – told in the Gospel of John 4 ;7 – 21
” God is Love,”
This Love – as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen shared that :
” The greatest LOVE story of ALL time is contained in a tiny White Host.”
“A posse ad esse” – From the Possible to the Actual – I say – I know