Education Abroad: 5 Promising Countries

Over the past few decades, the number of students studying abroad has grown fivefold. Why do students choose to leave their home country?
There are many advantages, but statistics show the following benefits. At universities in another country, 84% of students acquire the best professional skills. 96% feel more confident because this is a new city and new opportunities. 80% of students find high-paying jobs. Study abroad is a trend among young people, and it is largely related to the development of the labor market. The following areas of study are popular today: business, management, engineering, medicine, programming. Students are confident that other countries have a more effective training program. If you have decided to study abroad, here is a list of the most promising countries.
In 2016, the British financial conglomerate HSBC Holdings recognized Germany as the country with the highest quality education in the world. At the same time, education in Germany is primarily free. In 2014, the German federal government decided not to collect tuition fees from students, both for citizens of the country and foreigners. The exception is the universities of the state of Baden-Württemberg, wherein in the fall of 2017, they introduced a small fee for international students. This decision made Germany is extremely attractive to young people from foreign countries. Suffice it to mention that the goal set in 2010 to increase the number of international students to 350,000 in ten years was achieved much earlier – already in 2016, according to the German Academic Exchange Service, the number of international students exceeded the target.
Another one of the best education systems in the world, which is distinguished by affordable prices. In the European Union countries’ ranking for the quality and accessibility of higher education in the EU countries, published in February this year by the Hamburg consulting company Study.EU, France was in third place among European countries, after Germany. About a third of places in state universities in the country are completely free, even for foreigners. However, they have to pass a difficult language exam and write admission essays without fail. Therefore, we recommend that you contact professional essay writers in advance to increase your chances of admission. Even at paid places, you can study for modest money. For example, the average cost of studying at medical universities, considered one of the most prestigious in France, is only $ 550 per year. In addition, one of the reasons for studying in France is the country’s rich culture.
Sweden is a European country with an advanced curriculum in innovative disciplines. A lot of attention is now paid to career guidance in Scandinavia from an early age, especially social skills development. There are special IT courses for students. The largest universities in the country host many courses in advanced technical disciplines. Swedish universities are free for EU citizens but not for US citizens. However, tuition fees are not high – from $ 7,000 to $ 30,000 per year. The largest universities in the country have strong science departments – for example, Sweden’s oldest university, Uppsala, is one of the world’s top 100 universities teaching medical sciences. Every fifth student enrolled in this educational institution is a foreigner, and the management makes many efforts to make each of them feel comfortable.
On average, a year of study for a bachelor’s program costs from $ 6,000, for a master’s program costs from $ 7000. Dutch universities are included in the rankings of the best educational institutions. For example, in the QS world ranking of Dutch universities, there were as many as 13. Total: the popularity of education in Holland is growing, and in 2020 every tenth student in the country was a foreigner. Many students cover part of the cost of training with grants. There are many of them, and some institutions pay for students before graduation.
The most popular areas among international students are engineering and business majors. In these areas among the countries of Europe, Holland offers the widest selection of English-language programs. Fontys University is in demand for programming courses and engineering majors. The University of Twente allows students to specialize in multiple subjects at the same time. Those looking to pursue an education in management and entrepreneurship may be interested in universities in Amsterdam and Groening. You can also choose MBA programs. In Holland, they are shorter, cheaper, and the student himself selects the form of study.
Czech Republic
Over 40,000 international students come to the Czech Republic every year. The country beckons them with various educational programs, low-cost accommodation, rich culture, and location in the center of Europe. The country recently entered the top ten most popular Erasmus + destinations. The Czech Republic offers a wide range of study programs in English – ranging from $ 2,000 to $ 10,000 per year. For those who speak Czech, the country provides free tuition. However, the Czech language is taught in educational institutions very rarely, so you will have to know it in advance. Better – in the Czech Republic, where language training services are offered especially for applicants.
The most demanded educational programs in the Czech Republic are medicine, programming, engineering. Czech scientists are confident that there are not enough medical engineers and are putting a lot of effort into developing this direction. The Czech University of Technology in Prague conducts a lot of research, creates new technology for ventilation of the lungs, and at the same time actively involves students in the process. As a result, they gain experience and master modern equipment, which makes them more in demand in medicine.Â