Együtt accuses Matolcsy of lying on asset declaration, demands probe

Budapest, April 22 (MTI) – The opposition Egyutt party has accused central bank governor György Matolcsy of lying on his asset declaration and has demanded an investigation.

Deputy head of Egyutt Levente Papa said in a statement on Wednesday that his party will initiate an investigation into Matolcsy’s growth of wealth and call on him to resign. According to allegations, the central bank has set up its foundations for the purpose of allowing its top officials to circumvent a salary ceiling.

The statement cited a report by weekly Magyar Narancs alleging that Matolcsy failed to include monthly income of 1.2 million forints from two foundations in his asset declaration form on the pretext that he offered it to charity. However, Matolcsy’s explanation contradicts relevant legal regulations that require all taxable income to be stated regardless of what it is spent on, Papa added.

The party also wants the bank’s supervisory board — which ceased functioning last May due to the expiry of its members’ mandates — to be re-established.

Photo: MTI


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