End of an era? Former minister’s ex-husband turns against PM Orbán: they only want wealth

Péter Magyar was the husband of Justice Minister Judit Varga and had several positions in different state-owned institutions and banks. Following the resignation of Judit Varga, he made some strong remarks about the Orbán regime, including that some top officials wanted only immense wealth and that creating a civic Hungary was just a political product.

According to his Facebook post, he submitted his resignation from several state-owned companies and banks. Before February 2022, he was the director of the Diákhitel Központ Ltd, a state-owned, non-profit organisation providing supplementary funding to those wishing to pursue studies. Afterwards, he became a member of the directorate in the Magyar Közút Ltd, operating the Hungarian roads, and the Volánbusz, a state-owned company, operating bus lines. Moreover, he was also a member of the supervisory board of the state-owned MBH Bank.

He wrote that the reasons for his resignation were not professional ones. He highlighted he did not want to remain a participant in a regime where those responsible for the presidential pardon of a child abuser helper hide behind the skirts of women. That may mean that others were responsible for the pardon, but PM Orbán sacrificed the president and Judit Varga to protect them.

More wealth and more power: that is the program of Orbán’s Fidesz?

He mentions and accuses Minister Antal Rogán, saying he laughs at them. He said Orbán sacrificed those in this issue who worked for their country and countrymen, instead of for their personal gains.

In the 1998 general elections, Orbán’s Fidesz campaigned with promising to create a prospering, civic Hungary. Mr Magyar wrote he believed in that idea and helped make it with his assets. However, he realised it was only a political product which only helped them acquire more wealth and operate the Fidesz ‘power plant’.

He said he believed Hungary was not the country of Antal Rogán and other influential families and oligarchs. Instead, he hopes Hungary is the country of János Hunyadi, István Széchenyi, Ignác Semmelweis, Margit Slachta, Sándor Márai and Ludas Matyi.

“Do not be afraid! Nothing lasts forever, and we did not become Turks in those 150 years”, he concluded, referring to Hungary’s Ottoman occupation (1541-1699).

Read also:

  • Hungarian President resigns after pardoning paedophile helper – Read more HERE
  • Italian extremists occupied Hungary’s consulate in Venice – Details, photos in THIS article



  1. Interesting.
    Women, being the “Lambs to the Slaughter.”
    Will they Katalin Novak & Judit Varga, call it “break rank & file” – open up, delivered with CANDOUR – the past to the time of there resignations, the internal “culture” of the Fidesz Party, led by the current Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban.
    The gargantuan LUGGAGE, the answering needed by Orban coming at him from right, left and center continues.
    Orban has delivered Hungary to the “Place” we are today, that is a country, of MASSIVE un-certainty and HIGHLY vulnerable.
    Orban has taken Hungary to a PLACE that has NO friendships, with country’s that are Governed under DEMOCRACY.
    Hungary – it can’t ESCAPE this FACT – they voted Victor Orban on (2) occasions to be there Prime Minister.
    Do we like the Hungary we LIVE in today ?
    What of our FUTURE ?
    Pictures grow that reflect such similarities to the darkened years of 1945-1989 in Hungary, that still rightfully send “shivers” up millions of Hungarians spine.
    Refreshing to read this article as it EXHIBITS and in numbers of matters, gives CONFIRMATION of the “inner sanctum” functionality, the “Modus Operandi” – of the POWER “Men’s Club” of the Orban / Fidesz lead Government of “crippling” Hungary.
    Katalin Novak & Judit Varga :
    ” If you enjoyed the fragrance of a Rose,🌹
    you – Must accept the thorns in which it Bears.”
    Do YOU ?
    or maybe together become REVOLUTIONARY.
    The inside operation experienced being individuals in Senior Ministerial Portfolios, in the case of Katalin Novak, her “elevation” to being the President of Hungary, the first ever Female appointment to that role, you have KNOWLEDGE.
    “Scientia Sol Mentis Est” – translated from Latin to English meaning :
    “Knowledge is the light 💡of the Mind.”
    YOU both maybe together, use a process of transfusion, out with the old tried and failures through your KNOWLEDGE of the Orban “ways” – his Ideology – and be REFRESHING – a new 💡to Hungary – in an alignment, embracement and practiced under DEMOCRACY.
    This quote of Albert Einstein – gargantuan message of FACT in it, that NEEDS application and be executed and PRACICED – for if we are to have a FUTURE – Hungary.
    Einstein wrote:
    ” We can’t solve todays problems with the MENTALITY that created them.”
    Hungary – we have been WRONGNED.
    Katalin Novak & Judit Varga, you have been, integral players, participants in the WRONGFUL political mechanisms of the Orban / Fidesz Government of Hungary.
    Conscience examination that MUST be with you as I write – is there CLARITY of regrets, wrongs – “mood” within, that your “legs” have been cut from you, through decision(s) not of your acceptance, that has disabled YOU not being able to fulfil your GOALS ?
    We SUFFER – it DEEPENS, the Nadir of what Hungary is today but just MAYBE – Katalin Novak & Judit Varga – you can be NEW and REFRESHED💡- breathing HOPE for a Future – Hungary.

  2. Ms. Novak made a mistake. Everyone is entitled to one. Ms. Novak and Ms. Varga took responsibility for their actions, that is what responsible adult do. The problem was that Donath and the opposition was out for blood. Well, they got their pound of flesh. I hope that when the opposition makes a mistake, FIDESZ and the rest of the population is ready to crucify them.

  3. ‘Everyone is entitled to a mistake” even pedophiles and their accomplices. Oh yes, what responsibility! They got caught! They are scum! No sweeping this under the rug. No f’n way. Fidesz is the pedophile and terrorist party that fools Hungarians into thinking that they are in business for “family values” and Christianity. Oh. And don’t forget the gay sex orgies. They are empty sacks of hypocrisy.

  4. Leave it to Maria to find an excuse for a person that freed a pedophile, anything to protect her dear Victor. Everyone is not entitled to a mistake, unless you mean that pedophiles should be freed, human trafficers should be freed? Stay in North America dear, this is too dicey for you.

  5. Laws in the place being North America where “The Von” resides, are they much more accepting, than what is Hungary’s this behaviour ?
    The “idol” of “The Von” – the paid up FULL membership of Fidesz, are you not in touch with your-self to FEEL a personal humiliation, on the way Victor Orban is BEING investigated, the DAMAGE he has personally caused to the name HUNGARY ?
    That Maple Syrup, continues to erode your ability to comprehend the place Victor Orban has delivered Hungary, and it’s nadir remains distanced, as long as he remains as our Prime Minister.

  6. mariavontheresa – all that you contribute from North America, in totality of SUPPORT, the way of the FUTURE of Hungary is the Orban led way, the Fidesz “Creeds” – answer this question, if you remain unequivocal – in your opinion, belief and position, that the Political Ideology carried out in Hungary by Victor Orban – is the ONLY way for a future Hungary – my question to you is :
    SUSTAINABILITY – how does Hungary, the HIGH probability “outed” of with-drawing itself, from the European Union & NATO, that would include NO further being part of Schengen, no longer a DEMOCRACY – sustainability – in this the ever changing world, the changing face of Europe – Hungary it’s SUSTAINABILITY – coming from it’s present near state of Economic & Financial collapse – answer that ???
    REMEMBER – and history NEVER Lies, though your favourite colour is RED – Russia & China will not provide either them an OPEN cheque Book to Hungary.

  7. @Maria. “Everyone is entitled to one”: no they’re not, not if they’re engaged conducting, aiding, abetting, or indeed, pardoning paedophilia. “Ms.Novak and Ms.Varga took responsibility for their actions”: they were clearly pushed, very suddenly and very quickly. It’s questionable whether they had any idea of whom they were pardoning or had the documents thrust under their nose without any autonomy in the matter. “Donath and the opposition was out for blood”: quite right too, entirely merited and in any case, that’s their job. Hungary is a democracy, right? “They got their pound of flesh”: not so fast, we still don’t know who was ultimately responsible for this unedifying saga but the truth will out. “When the opposition makes a mistake, FIDESZ and the rest of the population is ready to crucify them.”: in case you haven’t noticed the government is on a never ending quest to erode any trust and confidence in the opposition by using all and any tools at their disposal, including smears, disinformation, naked propaganda, bare faced lies, baseless accusations, deploying the arsenal of an entirely captured state media that not only exhibits zero balance in its reporting, it will only ever report on the opposition when it has something negative to communicate, whether fact or fiction. The PURPOSE of an opposition is to crucify a government if it makes a mistake. I don’t think some people in Hungary have yet worked out that this is a healthy and desirable outcome in a democracy.

  8. Maria that is a great excuse for the paedophile offender himself. “I just made a mistake.” It’s long past time to get rid of this filthy government.

  9. @mariavontheresa – I wholeheartedly concur with one of your statements, namely that Mrs. Novák and Mrs. Varga took responsibility for their actions. It is indeed what responsible adults should do. Would be nice if this point of view would also be shared by our (generally unapologetic and self-serving) Politicians.

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