The end of rising ‘star politician’ Péter Magyar? Former wife and justice minister accuses him of ‘blackmail, terrorising’

“Peter Magyar has blackmailed and terrorised me,” Judit Varga, the former justice minister, said on Facebook on Tuesday, referring to her ex-husband who today published a recording of a conversation between them which he made secretly in their family home.

“Shocking. Peter Magyar has now done it. He has been blackmailing me with that for a year,” Varga said, noting that Magyar had secretly recorded the conversation between them when she was justice minister.

Magyar alleges that the contents of the recording provide evidence of government wrongdoing.

“And now he has used it for political purposes,” Varga said. “A person like that is not worthy of any kind of trust,” she added.

Péter Magyar opposition Hungary corruption case
Péter Magyar. Photo: MTI

Varga also said she had given him “a number of chances to start over during the terrible years of domestic violence”.

Referring to an interview to camera that Magyar gave which was streamed online on Monday, Varga said: “I was just watching that cruel face … and I was chilled to the bone; he lies and manipulates, and it brings back everything I had to endure over the past 16 years.” She added that she could recall “plenty of examples of verbal and physical violence”.

“I felt the buckle of his belt hitting my back”

Varga recalled one evening when she had gone to bed her husband came home in a drunken state and threw books and clothing at her. “I felt the buckle of his belt hitting my back. I tried to crouch smaller and waited for the next blow; I was afraid that it would hit my spine, but I didn’t dare move.”

“At that time I decided that I would divorce him,” she said, adding that when she told him, “he begged me and made promises as he had done so many time for 16 years… He used all the old tricks and methods through which he had always managed to put me back on the rollercoaster of domestic violence … but this time I was determined to find a way out.”

judit varga
Source: Facebook/Varga Judit

She said Magyar had started threatening her when she insisted on a divorce. “This was the context for this footage… He was preparing to blackmail me. He was provoking me by reading out gossip from the press.” “Since he had been terrorising me for days, I told him what he wanted to hear so that I could get away as soon as possible… In a state of intimidation people say things they do not mean,” the former minister added.

Varga said she was “proud” of having been the justice minister of the government led by Viktor Orban and of being a member of the ruling Fidesz party.

She said that according to Magyar she was being discredited in the press. “I see it differently. Former colleagues and close friends tell us who he really is. Peter Magyar has caused much pain not only to his own family but also to his friends… Now having to watch this vile manipulation causes renewed pain for many,” she wrote.

Here is the reaction of the Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office

The Central Investigation Prosecutor’s Office (KNYF) said in the afternoon that Magyar had been heard again as a witness by the Metropolitan Investigation Prosecutor’s Office in an ongoing criminal case.

Prior to the interview, Magyar made public a recording of a private conversation he had with his ex-wife.

The office acknowledged as correct a statement in the recording that Chief Public Prosecutor Péter Polt did not lord over the prosecutor’s office. “The chief public prosecutor heads and manages Hungary’s public prosecutor’s office where the rule of law is in force,” it added.

The prosecutor’s office will analyse, assess and further verify all statements made in the recording and during the testimony by Magyar, it said in a statement.

“It must be pointed out again that the disappearance or revision of documents at the prosecutor’s office is not just legally, but also physically, impossible” the statement said. “All data processed at the office is documented from the time of receipt and is not stored in a single location, but appear in the databases of other organisations, including those of investigating judges and authorities involved in covert operations,” it added.

“The history of all the documents pertaining to the so-called Volner-Schadl case is known and all of the activities revealed from the available data have been or are being investigated, in line with the law,” it said.

The authority said it would provide further details at a press conference on March 28.

Read also:

  • Another big protest by Péter Magyar was organised against the government – Read more HERE
  • BREAKING: audio recording out, corruption trial manipulated by PM Orbán’s Cabinet?



  1. It is well known but never publicized in the media that Orban’s wife had to seek hospital treatment more than a year ago for a severe beating.

  2. Words to express my opinion of Anonymous comment, simple escape me.
    AGAIN, no greater time for Hungarians in COMMUNICATING there position(s) relating to the current Orban / Fidesz Government in POWER for 14 plus years – to, when they open there mouths, have something to say, become involved in wanting to RID the present Government who under Victor Orban have delivered us to a BLACK Hole place, than to speak TRUTH that is supported by FACTS.
    If we just TALK that is without Facts & Truth, the current situation we are in as a country will spiral massively into a cataclysmic un-reconcilable DISASTER, causing greater grief & pain, to the millions of Hungarians at this time, who are fighting to hold on SURVIVE.
    Orban – his love affair in the use of PROPAGANDA – let us, who are OPPOSING him, be committed – that we practice Truth & Fact.
    Let us not play – GUTTER Politics but in our FIGHT – our efforts to REMOVE the Orban Government, that we OPPOSE the Orban “mob” – smacking them right between there eyes – in the practice of Truth & Fact.
    Hungarians – the world will not be destroyed by those who do EVIL, but by those, who WATCH them, and Do NOTHING.

  3. They’re clearly co-opting Varga to discredit her former husband, her words are the most powerful weapon the government brandishes at the moment, the motivation is quite clear. The truth meanwhile will remain a mystery. I’m beyond believing a single world that government affiliated media publishes, they’ve spread so many lies and pumped out so much propaganda over the years. They could say the sky is blue and the sun’s out and I wouldn’t believe them.

  4. Magyar Peter, nem, Amerikai Peter. CIA shill. Leader of the next CIA backed color revolution.

  5. Enough is enough. The Hungarian Government, especially Orban, went to bed with Putin and his oppressive regime. He spends EU money on propaganda and anti EU posters while the sick and needy has to wait half a year for a MRI or a surgery.
    He builds own family and his oligarchs’ wealth by steeling public money, reducing funds from hospitals and schools.
    Yet, back in Hungary he proclaims himself as a righteous christian. Behind the veil of his lies he trampled on the Hungarian people’s conscience, summing up hatred against people who disagree with his evilness.
    It is so ridiculous.
    Yes, he bashed his wife, but no one supposed to know it or talk about it.

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