EP says Hungary anti-paedophile law in breach of EU values, principles
The European Parliament on Thursday adopted a resolution denouncing “the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary” and condemning the country’s recently approved anti-paedophile law, saying it was in breach of European Union values, principles and law.
In the resolution passed with 459 votes in favour, 147 against and 58 abstentions, MEPs said Hungary’s new law was “in clear breach” of fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as the bloc’s founding treaties and internal market legislation.
The resolution called the law “another intentional and premeditated example of the gradual dismantling of fundamental rights in Hungary”, adding that “state-sponsored LGBTIQ-phobia and disinformation campaigns” had become “tools for political censorship” in the country.
It said such “human rights violations” were part of a “broader political agenda to break down democracy and the rule of law, including media freedom” and should be considered a systemic violation of EU values.
EU lawmakers said last December’s amendment to Hungary’s constitution stipulating that a mother is a woman and a father a man and prohibiting the gender recognition of transgender and intersex people was another example of a violation of EU law.
MEPs also expressed their commitment to defending children’s rights, declaring that “tolerance, acceptance, and diversity should serve as guiding principles to ensure the best interests of the child are respected”.
The resolution calls on the European Commission to initiate an infringement procedure against Hungary over what the MEPs call the “anti-LGBTIQ legislation” and to “use all tools” available to the Court of Justice of the European Union, “such as interim measures and penalties for non-compliance if necessary”. It also calls on member states to bring the matter to the CJEU if the EC fails to take action over the law, and to launch an inter-state application to the European Court of Human Rights.
Hungary’s anti-paedophile law approved last month stipulates, among other things, that sex education materials in schools must not contain anything aimed at changing gender or promoting homosexuality.
The Hungarian government says the law is about giving parents the exclusive right to decide on the sex education of their children.
Read alsoEP has found a way to sanction Hungary for the „homophobic law”?
Source: MTI
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Will someone PLEASE destroy the ‘Berlaymont’ building in Brussels, the European Parliament in Strasbourg and all associated European Commission / Parliament institutions.
Here’s a FANTASTIC opportunity for that doddering old fool in the White House to make an indelible mark on history !
The “Strong Man” of European Politics – presently the Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban – could have meet his Waterloo.
Evident the power broker members of the European Union decided enough is enough of the Victor Orban – Hungary – attitude against the European Union.
The power brokers have been setting Victor Orban up – and they have decided to finish off his Political career.
This is ACTION and Decisions by the European Union – pay back time on Victor Orban.
Hungary – we have for time been in Damage Control with our relationship with the European Union.
Victor Orban – has teased and tested – walked a delicate thin line – played Power Games – for years with the European Union.
The complete ARSENAL of the European Union – has been directed at Victor Orban – Hungary – reflected in the YES votes 459 to 157 against – an embarrassing and destructive clear Majority – against Victor Orban and Hungary.
Victor Orban & Hungary are in a catch 22 position.
Alturnatives available to Victor Orban & Hungary – will in all probability rest on – accepting the umpires decision – play by the Rules and Laws of the European Union – or Leave – Get Out of the European Union.
Future funding from the European Union to Hungary will be in probability suspended until such time this European Union Parliament ruling – the response and attitude of Hungary – is Witnessed and Probable – Defended.
Hungary – we are seeing not surprisingly further distancing from the European Union – which will have Major consequences on the 9.6 million Hungarians and be another CHALLENGE for them to Face and Overcome.
National Elections May 2022 – what is the Hungary – what style of Government do you wish Voters – Citizens of Hungary – to live under in Hungary – in these grave and un-certain times and into the FUTURE ???
Let’s be clear on this. Brussels are NOT objecting to the measures against paedophiles. They are objecting to more or less at the last minute tacking on LCBG etc onto the same law. 99% of paedophiles are heterosexual men who fantasies and sadly, often abuse young girls. This often happens in a family context and is rife in Hungary as numerous reports by Hungarian universities have shown. This is nothing to do with the gay community. The UK used to have a law that similar regarding gays, it was called Section 28 and was repealed because it was shown to be founded upon total nonsense. The same applies to this legislation with regard to this last minute additional paragraph.
Only a bent mind set such as shown by this EU action could defend the indefensible.
It is almost impossible to find the words to describe what the EU is trying to do….this constant bullying.
This is getting to be worse than communism.
Is there no law against constant bullying and threats?
Can you see what you are doing you hypocrites in Brussels?
Double standards, lies, threatening nations and its people?
Yes, Get Your Facts Right. You are correct. It’s the paedophile law which has had LGBTQ added hoping no one will notice. Two entirely separate issues.
GROSSHYPOCRISY – Please – who for the greater part of his time in office, this time around, in particular – who has been the angry – BULL – fiercely – ferociously – attacking the European Union ???
The “Strong Man” of European Politics – the present Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban supported totally – by the Fidesz Party.
The European Union – have been playing Victor Orban on a break – just waiting and waiting – till enough is enough.
The votes passed on this Wrongful Law – passed 15th June 2021 in the Parliament of Hungary – clearly indicate the MASS forces within the European Parliament – who have unequivocally in number – by there Vote – said its TIME – to clearly show – Victor Orban – that he is NOT bigger than the European Union.
Victor Orban and this will be of greater and deeper transparency in coming weeks seen out of The European Union – the MESSAGE – clearly will be – play by our Rules and Laws – or Leave.
Victor Orban – political style will not allow a “mea culpa” to the European Union.
Has Victor Orban – Hungary – meet his Waterloo ???
National Elections May 2022 – freedom of citizens rights to vote under DEMOCRACY – 9.6 million Hungarians – given a VOICE – to make change.
Greater IMPORTANCE – the question beacons – under what style of Government – Political Ideas and Philosophy – do we wish to live immediately under – NOW – and POST the 2022 National Elections ???
Hungary – without the European Union – which has Major Failings – needs a MASS clean out and wake up call – BUT we Hungary – for our Future – need to remain in the European Union – if we are Not pulled out by Victor Orban – Fidesz Party – or THROWN out by the European Parliament.
Get Your Facts Right
This is a total lie. According to FBI statistics approximately 50% of pedophiles are homosexuals which account for about 1% of the populations.
Can’t the EU just send the EU recovery fund money and the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) money they owe Hungary and just leave us alone? FACT: from 2014-2020, we benefited from of EUR 25 billion in ESIF funding. And we know some of this “disappears”. So let’s stop pretending we are a powerful nation who can go it alone, or with our Visegrad 4 friends?
Titus – I suggest read this. It a pdf and can be downloaded and is a report from the University of Debrecen:
The sexual abuse of female children in Hungary: 20 years’ experience
WHAT A FARCE ! Education and health care were excluded in all LGBT legislation signed by EU members. It is time to stop forcing IMAGINARY VALUES on Hungary.
It is the parents’ responsibility to discuss sexual topics with their children and not the state. Brainwashing of any kinds should not be allowed in schools, since children’s brains do not develop until their twenties.
There is no discrimination against adult members of LGBT. Materials dealing with sexual orientation are available in libraries and on the net.
Hungary is a sovereign country and has the right to protect the children.
MTV you are missing the key point. Education is a separate issue and if Hungary had wanted to introduce a Section 28 style limit on what can be used in schools, the place for it is an amendment to an Education Bill. It should not have been tacked on to a Bill about paedophilia, thus conflating the two issues. It was a serious misjudgement (or deliberate provocation) by the government.