Escape of migrants from guarded accommodation in Kiskunhalas may have been organised

“The way in which the two migrants escaped from the guarded accommodation in Kiskunhalas on Thursday suggests that it may have been a coordinated, pre-planned operation”, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said on Hungarian M1 television’s current affairs program.

The police issued a statement on Saturday saying they had apprehended one of the migrants who escaped last week, an 18-year-old Moroccan man. His accomplice, 22-year-old Algerian citizen Alarbi Usamam is still being sought.

Mr. Bakondi said that on Thursday several groups had tried to escape from the accommodation simultaneously, but only these two young men had succeeded. The facility is surrounded by a double fence, which they climbed over, he added.

The Chief Security Advisor also said that in principle the two men were placed in the guarded accommodation because they were suspected not only of crossing the border illegally, but also of some other offence. The reason for their escape was probably to enable them to leave Hungary, Mr. Bakondi added.


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