FM Szijjártó: Hungary was betrayed in 1956

The heroes of Hungary’s 1956 revolution fought for independence, democracy and humanity, a state secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office said in Bonyhád, in south-western Hungary, commemorating the 65th anniversary of 1956, on Saturday.

“The revolution broke out spontaneously in October 1956, which is why the event could be interpreted as a moment of manifestation of the Hungarian people’s soul,” Árpád János Potápi, who is in charge of the policy for Hungarian communities abroad, said.

“Those who get to know about 1956 will also get to know the community of Hungarians,” he said.

“The battles in 1956 claimed some 2,600 lives, including victims in Bonyhád: 16-year-old collier student Jenő Szakács, who died in the Mecsek mountains, and 19-year-old Red Cross worker Piusz Domokos, who was shot in Budapest,” Potápi said, adding that

Viktor Orbán’s speech at the commemoration ceremony of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

200,000 people fled to the West to escape retaliation after the revolution. “Those were young, intelligent and hardworking people whom the homeland has missed ever since,” he said.

Referring to next spring’s general election, Potápi said: “Let’s not allow those to return to power for whom Hungary does not matter. Let’s defend the honour of the 1956 revolution against those who have smeared it already many times,” the state secretary said, referring to events fifteen years ago when commemorations of 1956’s 50th anniversary were marred by violence.

The Foreign Minister’s opinion

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó on Facebook on Saturday, marking the anniversary of the outbreak of the anti-Soviet revolt, said that

despite reports aired on Radio Free Europe in October 1956, suggesting imminent international intervention to support the Hungarian revolution, “nobody came to help”.

“We, Hungarians, wanted to belong to the free world, but that world left us high and dry,” Szijjártó said, adding that the country lost not only its fight but also “freedom for more than three decades”.

Niagara Falls lit up in Hungarian national colours to commemorate 1956

“We lost tens and hundreds of thousands: those that died, those that were left crippled for life, and those that had to flee and could never return to their homeland,” the minister said.

“Salutations to the heroes, shame on the deserters, long live free Hungary,” Szijjártó said in his entry.

Source: MTI


  1. Agree 100%.
    It was bad enough t5hat they didn’t help us but they told the Soviets that they could do whatever they wanted to do in Hungary. Disgusting betrayal by the West.
    The “Hungarians” working for Radio Free Europe were traitors. They knew that they were lying to us and that it would needlessly cost Hungarian lives, they lied to us anyway. Shame on every one of them.
    I read somewhere that some of these people moved to Hungary and that they are unrepentant of their monstrous crime. Disgusting…

  2. 1956: 200 000 Hungarian migrants left Hungary for the west. That same “west” which Szijjartu and his gang leader Victorinu the Beggar so much despise except for when funds come in, that West took those desperate migrants, fed them and gave them a chance and a future. Today, the ungrateful Hungarian regime, aka Orbánistan, hates the West and shuts its doors to other migrants.
    Shame on Orbanistan and on all Hungarians that vote for Fidesz and its gang leader.

  3. Except Mario, those 200,000 never returned to Hungary as pointed out by the Foreign Minister. Thus, you just admitted that refugees who leave their homelands will most likely never return even if their home country has stabilized (ex: Syria).

    Also, considering that Hungary is producing goods to the West due to cheap labour and wage (ex: see Germany’s automobile sector building plants in Hungary). Hungary isn’t just receiving funds without the West getting anything in return.

    Once again, your ignorance and arrogance is showing.

    For you István, just because Western countries backstabbed Hungary in the past doesn’t mean Hungary should use it as an opportunity to bash them, especially considering when the US helped to bleed the USSR dry due to the USSR abysmal failure in Afghanistan (would contribute to its breakup) and the fact the USSR had trouble matching the economical might of the US. The US also supported the independence movements in the 90s (ex: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.”)

    Therefore, it is easier to make deals and concessions when you are not always bashing the other party, even if the other party comes across as hypocritical at times.

  4. I wish DNH had an editor.
    Hungary got a fair shake from America when Trump was President. Senile Biden is not running anything. His communist democrats that cheated him in the WH are running and ruining America.
    Hungary finds herself again the lone champion of freedom in a world succumbing to globalist, Marxist madness. Your bias is demonstrated by not wanting to notice that Hungary is never the aggressor but a defender of her interests against those who would turn Hungary into something Hungarians experienced before and want nothing of it.
    You don’t want to acknowledge that it was Biden who called Orbán a gangster. What gives this thief and puppet of communist democrats the right to label the freely elected leader of Hungary?
    Orbán is legitimate. Biden will never be a legitimate President. Votes must be earned, not stolen.

  5. There are still people alive in Israel (and elsewhere) who remember Hungary’s participation in the Holocaust. That cannot be swept under the carpet. Ruin Bars in Budapest are a very visible reminder. They were once homes….. Try and focus on why Hungary was gift wrapped and given the the Soviets in the first place.By the way, my grandparent fled Budapest in 1956 and found sanctuary in the UK.
    And no, we are not of that faith.

  6. Your “truth” is not my truth. Worthy resisted Hitler and tried to stop exporting Jews from Hungary. There were no Nazi extermination camps for Jews in Hungary but the Rákosi/Rosenfeld monsters had concentration camps for Hungarians all over Hungary.
    Think about the death camp at Recsk where the AVH tortured and murdered Hungarians.
    Think about Apró Antal, the monster who organized the slaughter of more than one thousand Hungarian patriots in 1956.
    I could go on and on but you don’t care about my truth.

  7. Please us this version. I made another ooops. Thank you.

    Your “truth” is not my truth. Horthy resisted Hitler and tried to stop exporting Jews from Hungary. There were no Nazi extermination camps for Jews in Hungary but the Rákosi/Rosenfeld monsters had concentration camps for Hungarians all over Hungary.
    Think about the death camp at Recsk where the AVH tortured and murdered Hungarians.
    Think about Apró Antal, the monster who organized the slaughter of more than one thousand Hungarian patriots in 1956.
    I could go on and on but you don’t care about my truth.

  8. I have lived in Hungary since 1961. When I was born. I know more expressions in Hungarian than you do. Mr USA.

  9. Lots of Hungarian hating monsters were born here. You sound like one of those.
    Dobrev ‘s grandfather, the monster Apró Antal was also born here.
    Far too many Hungarian haters were born here.
    It is not enough to be born here. You have to love this country and the Hungarian people to belong here. A Hungarian is someone who 1) calls himself/herself Hungarian, 2) feels that he/she is a Hungarian and 3) acts Hungarian. Nothing in what I listed asks where you were born, only who you are. You fail.

    It is pitiful that you think I would be insulted by Mr. USA. I consider myself a Hungarian and American patriot. The proper term is Hungarian-American. The Hungarian expression is “amerikás-magyar”.

  10. Yeah right. Steve. You are so full of (something) but sadly lacking in self awareness. However I congratulate you upon being a laughing stock.

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