Former PM Gyurcsány’s party afraid of losing mayoral seats on 9 June in Budapest
The leftist opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has expressed concern that a new party formed by Péter Magyar was “going after successful and popular opposition” mayors in several districts of the capital, and this may compromise their chances of re-election.
The opposition mayors in question defeated Fidesz five years ago, DK spokeswoman Olga Kálmán told an online press briefing on Friday, adding that the incumbent mayors could not be unseated by “an emerging candidate unknown locally” unless opposition votes were divided.
DK, she said, is asking people to sign a petition, adding that whoever considered it important to defeat the ruling Fidesz party should sign it.
Read also:
- DK: Orbán cabinet imports Chinese police to serve in Hungary
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For the BETTERMEANT of Hungary, our FUTURE, if we HAVE a FUTURE, the former DISGRACED and Incompetent Prime Minister of Hungary, should just ASAP like yesterday, get out of Retire from, along with his 3rd wife, from the Political Scene in Hungary.
Gyurcsany’s CONTINUES to be an ABSOLUTE Liability of any chance in opposing or challenging – the Orban – Fidesz Government.
Gyurcsany – “luggage” he carries HORRENDOUS, as does his 3rd Wife, they are NOT the FUTURE of Hungary, have NO idea of what NEEDS urgent Political attention in Hungary, are from another ERA, and there VOTE pulling power, attracting VOTES, especially the younger GENERATIONS of Hungarians – NON Existent – DIABOLICAL of NO support nor INTEREST.
Gyurcsany – millions of Hungarians HAVE long memories of the state he left Hungary in Financially and Economically, in the time he was Prime Minister.
Gyurcsany was, remains an individual, who had his time, that was a cataclysmic FAILURE, being “Booted out” rightfully as Prime Minister, before the DAMAGE he left, became a gargantuan destructive DISASTER.
Gyurcsany – left in his WAKE – DESTRUCTION.
Retire, get out of the faces of the people I say to Gyurcsany, and his 3rd Wife – the people, the Political “area” of Hungary.
Gyurcsany and his Wife – there image, there presence, there OPINIONS – in millions of Hungarians are NOT respected.
They are “dead in the water or woods” part of History, from another era in time and for Hungary, they need to be retired or TOLD by the Party’s – whatever, that there TIME is UP, go now, before you DO more DAMAGE to Hungary.
Hungarians should learn from history. No socialist, pro EU and pro globalist should ever be elected. Remember, when Gyurcsany was defeated, the unemployment rate was 11+%; this man sold all viable industries to globalist, who in turn closed all viable industries in Hungary. The country was nearly bankrupt. The debt ratio to GDP was 87% in relation to GDP. Presently, the FIDESZ government reduced the deficit to 69.9%. That is a huge saving for the country.
Do not provide the Gyurcsany family another opportunity to bankrupt the country and cede sovereignty to the EU and get involved in the Ukraine/Russia melee.