Gasoline price to grow significantly from Wednesday in Hungary

The market price of gasoline will increase significantly in Hungary from tomorrow, while we will have to pay less for diesel. Of course, those entitled to buy government-funded price-capped fuel continue to pay HUF 480 per litre (EUR 1.2/l).
According to, the cost of gasoline and diesel will change significantly from Wednesday, having a considerable effect on the fuel market price. Gasoline prices will grow by HUF 18 (EUR 0.045), while we will have to pay HUF 10 (EUR 0.025) less for diesel from Wednesday.
From Wednesday, we will pay the following market prices at the Hungarian petrol stations:
- Gasoline 95: HUF 697 per litre (EUR 1.74/l)
- Diesel: HUF 786 per litre (EUR 1.96/l)
Those who privately own cars with Hungarian license plates can buy fuel for a capped price. That stands at HUF 480 HUF per litre, which is now EUR 1.2/l, one of the best fuel prices in Europe. The 4th Orbán government introduced the measure in March. Many thought it would last only until the April general elections, but it remained, just like the food price caps, which the government plans to extend soon. wrote that many Hungarians filled up their company cars in Croatia because the fuel was cheaper there. Based on a report of the ATV, they can save HUF 140 per litre (EUR 0.35) in the case of gasoline and HUF 90 (EUR 0.22) on each litre of diesel. Furthermore, if the Hungarian national currency gets stronger that gap widens, and the “profit” of the Hungarians grows. And the forint has strengthened in the last few days considerably. After standing even at 430/EUR two weeks earlier, today it opened at 400/EUR.
A Croatian petrol station attendant told ATV that, in Croatia, there were no fuel price caps but Hungarians kept going to the local filling stations. The only exceptions were the diesel trucks. In that case, it was more worth filling the tanks in Hungary because the companies were entitled to reclaim the VAT.
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