Get ready: Western fuel prices approaching in Hungary

Of the 8 countries in the region, fuel prices in Hungary are the third highest. The tax increase in January could make matters worse. Overall, we are now in the middle range of the 41 European countries for petrol and diesel prices.

The price of fuel in Hungary is the third highest among the eight countries in the region, Népszava reports. According to the portal, the HUF 41 increase in excise tax from 1 January is likely to push up domestic prices even further in the ranking. As it turns out, out of 41 European countries, the current Hungarian petrol price is the 17th cheapest, while the gasoil tariff is the 23rd cheapest. In other words, the prices of both products are now in the mid-range.

Last week, the average price of a litre of petrol in Hungary was HUF 624 (EUR 1.63), and one litre of diesel was HUF 633 (EUR 1.65).


  • In Slovakia, the 95 petrol was more than HUF 30 more expensive at HUF 656 (EUR 1.71), but Austria was also significantly more expensive.
  • The best rate for fuel is HUF 499 (EUR 1.30) per litre in Ukraine.
  • Romania is in second place with HUF 557 (EUR 1.45) per litre, followed in order by Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.

On the gasoil market, Serbia is the most expensive with an average tariff of HUF 653 (EUR 1.70), but Austria is only HUF 2 behind. The cheapest diesel market is also Ukraine, where the average price of HUF 493 (EUR 1.28) per litre is HUF 110 (EUR 0.29) cheaper than in Hungary. The second cheapest is Romania, which is around HUF 60 (EUR 0.16) cheaper than Hungary. Slovenia is next, followed by Slovakia and Croatia, where we can also save around HUF 23 per litre on diesel if we go from Hungary.


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