Outrageous: Hungarian government frees another almost 1000 human traffickers

2,297 foreign human traffickers have been released from Hungarian prisons since the government made this possible through an emergency decree.

More than 2,000 human traffickers released

As HVG reports, 2,297 foreign people smugglers have been freed since the Hungarian government made this possible through an emergency decree.

They will first be placed in reintegration detention and then have 72 hours to leave the country. Last August, the number was 1,385.

That this is not the real solution is shown by the fact that 16 of the traffickers who have been released have been sent back to prison, 444.hu writes, based on HVG.

According to HVG, this does not solve the problem of overcrowding in prisons.

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  1. Under Fidesz ruling , tax payers money is for Orban’s friends and any profitable public service will be given to Meszaros

    Hence, they could try privatizing jails.

  2. Everything Fidesz says opposing migration is a lie. The worst thing for them would be if there were no migrants trying to cross the border because then they could not blame the problem on “Brussels”. Fidesz attracts support with the claim that they are “fighting the enemy” which is “Brussels” when in fact Fidesz works to make the problem worse by releasing thousands of human traffickers.

  3. Excuse me, Hungary is being penalized by protecting the border and keeping migrants out. The EU cannot have their cake and eat it. When the EU stops persecuting Hungary for keeping migrants out, then they can criticize Hungary for releasing smugglers. When the EU start paying its fair share for border protection, then they can contribute to Hungary’s actions.

    Until then, EU and critics should keep quiet.

  4. Only 16 of the 1,385 released were imprisoned again?

    I’d say that’s an extremely good record; indeed, amazing.

    The only problem with the whole system, despite the nonsense written by the other commenters, is that these scumbags are given three days to leave the country, on their own steam. They should instead be taken from prison straight to the airport, led on the plane, and sayonara forever.

  5. @Michael Steiner, that means only 16 were caught. The others probably learned from their mistakes. Like toss the kolbász in the opposite direction the Hungarian border guards are chasing you.

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