Government to make extraordinary announcements!
There will be extraordinary government info on Saturday morning, starting from 11.30 AM, Alexandra Szentkirályi, the government’s spokeswoman announced this morning. What is the government up to?
According to, the Orbán administration will probably announce something in connection with their Thursday and Friday talks in Brussels. Moreover, the topic may concern the energy crisis and how the government would like to address it.
The last time a government info took place was last Thursday. Gergely Gulyás announced then that the Hungarian teachers will get a gradual payrise between 2022 and 2025. He also promised that their salaries will reach 80 percent of the average wage degree holders get in Hungary but only if the government receives the EU euro billions frozen because of the corruption in Hungary by the European Commission. However, the demonstrating trade unions did not accept the offer since the inflation is already above 20 percent in Hungary, so the teachers’ real wage would not increase, at all.
The last time an extraordinary government info was held on Saturday was on 17 September and Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister’s chief of staff announced the following decisions:
the government will start a program to help the energy-intensive Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises,
they extended the price caps on fuel and food,
they announced to start a program to support energy-intensive factories
the administration said they would submit anti-corruption bills to get access to the EU funds.
Source:, DNH