Great fun at Campus Festival: now you can try the giant Ferris wheel

The tenth Campus Festival has kicked off yesterday at the Great Forest in Debrecen. As a celebration, organisers have put up a 30 meters high Ferris wheel, from which you can see the great stage and the city, and at night it is lit up with led lights – reports

The first Campus Festival was organised in 2008, attracting over 530 thousand visitors over the past ten years, with 27 thousand guests at the first event. The organisers hope to have 100 thousand visitors this year.

At 17 sites, over 500 programs await you, even if you arrive with your family, as the Great Forest Stadium’s trees give a nice and cooling shade, so we advise you to take a walk there, starting from Egyetem tér (University Square) all the way to the Gyerekliget (Children’s park). If you’ve arrived at Gyerekliget, you will find the Csokonai Theatre’s tent, next to which you can check out the stilt-walkers, bog crossers, jugglers and László Vitéz’s puppet show. Your kids will surely love it. There will also be a funfair, which you can enter for free with your Campus armband.

There will be plenty to choose from music-wise too, as The Prodigy, the Bingo Players, the Alle Farben and Lukas Graham give concerts, as well as Hungarian artists such as Tankcsapda, Wellhello, Magdi Rúzsa, Halott Pénz, Majka&Curtis, Brains and Quimby.

There will be no shortage of comfort either, as there are clean indoor toilets, bicycle stations at the main entrance and you can leave your luggage at lockers. If you’re planning on going to the festival and you’re not from Debrecen, then you can buy your train tickets at half-price until the 24th of July.

As in previous years, the University of Debrecen plans programmes for career entrants, and the Debreceni Startup Kerekasztal (Debreceni Startup Roundtable) has tips for young entrepreneurs. However, there is something new: Zsófi Mautner and Tamás Széll has set up an open kitchen, where a different band takes over the kitchen each afternoon, proving that you can cook and sing simultaneously.

photos: CAMPUS FESZTIVÁL official – facebook

Ce: bm


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