Guess how many times Hungarians have sex a week!

According to new research, the global average is 2-3 times in this respect, and 36 pc of Hungarians fall in this category.

Of course, it is hard to tell how many times can be considered normal. Based on what psychologists and experts say on the issue, the frequency of having sexual intercourse depends on, the age of the couple, for example, since a teenager cannot be compared in this respect to a middle-aged man or woman who have children. Furthermore, it can also be stated that the longer a relationship lasts, the less frequent they have sex.

According to a recent study, 36 pc of Hungarians have sex 2-3 times a week, which is the same as the global average. Less than 20 pc have intimate relations only once a week while 5 pc do every day – reported Moreover, on average, teenagers lose their virginity at the age of 17, and they masturbate for the first time at 13. Furthermore, data shows that half of the couples who took part in the study are satisfied with the performance of their partner while

38 pc thinks that they could be together more frequently, 

and 13.5 pc of them misses sex very much in their lives.

HERE we wrote about a survey which revealed how many sexual partners Hungarians have on average; and whether they are satisfied with their sex life. In general, those who filled in the survey have had

seven sexual partners in their life.

The highest percentage, 18.1 pc reported 11-20 partners, followed by 9.4 pc who have had only one partner. 4.8 pc reported more than 50 sexual partners. People in relationships have an average of one intercourse per week, but only 44 pc of respondents were satisfied with the amount of sexual intercourse they have, and 52.8 pc reported that it is “less”, or “a lot less” than what they would like.

More than 75 pc of respondents reported that they always or almost always have an orgasm during intercourse, but only 60 pc are satisfied with their sex life. Over 60 pc never uses any sex toys. 23.8 pc of respondents masturbate 2-3 times a week while 14.6 pc of them do so 2-3 times a month. 3.3 pc have never masturbated before. 40pc always or almost always watches porn while masturbating while 12.8 pc never does. 35 pc of respondents reported having had casual sex in the past year, regardless of their relationship status.

We wrote HERE that even though 73% of Hungarian women think of sex and intimacy as a source of pleasure, it must be noted that only 60% are actually satisfied with their sex life.

Finally, in THIS article, we revealed the secrets of ancient Hungarians’ sex life.


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