Gunmen robbed a travel agency between the two holidays – VIDEO

Two men robbed a travel agency in the night in Gyor on last Monday. They got away with the money from the cash register but the security camera recorded them. The police offers HUF 1 million for clues, wrote.

Strangers entered the travel agency with a weapon or a weapon imitation at 17:40 on December 28. They threatened the employees and demanded money. The staff handed over the cash, and the offenders left the scene.

One of the perpetrators was a normal-built, tall (180-190cm long), fair-skinned man aged between 25 and 35. He wore a dark-colored, Acrylic beanie, a dark scarf, dark puffy jacket, dark, baggy trousers. There was a dark-green sports bag on his shoulder. He held a large chrome- or nickel-plated gun or a gun imitation.

According to, the other offender was a stocky-built (165-170cm long) fair-skinned man who was wearing silver-framed glasses. He wore a dark-colored, Acrylic beanie, dark puffy jacket, dark, baggy trousers and black and white sports shoes.

The reward can be obtained for accurate data regarding the perpetrators in order to identify them as well as to make the suspicion reasonable.

Photo: Díjkitűzés: győri utazási iroda elleni rablás Youtube video

Copy editor: bm


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