Here is when former Hungarian President will be laid to rest

Former President László Sólyom will be laid to rest at Fiumei Street cemetery in a Roman Catholic ceremony on 18 October at midday, the National Heritage Institute said in a statement.

Solyom was also the first president of the Constitutional Court and a university professor.

Mass will be celebrated at 10.15 AM in the Heart of Jesus Jesuit Church.

Sólyom’s family have asked for their complete privacy to be respected at both the Mass and at the funeral.

Mourners are asked to arrive on time and declare their intention to participate in advance by writing to

The former head of state died on 8 October after a long illness:


One comment

  1. Saint Matthew 25:23
    “Well done good and faithful servant You have been faithful with a few things ! I will put you in charge of many things . Come and share your Masters hapiness.”I like the way of his life that St Augustine “shares”with us – “The truth is like a Lion! you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose! it will defend it-self. May – Laszlo Solyom – Rest in eternal Peace and Happiness in the House of the Lord.!

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