Here is why you might bump into a lot of US, Polish, Romanian soldiers in Hungary

The Black Swan 2022 international special operations military exercise concluded in Szolnok, in central Hungary, on Thursday, with a day of drill demonstrations.

The NATO exercise involved over 700 troops from nine countries, along with 15 aircraft and other equipment, according to a statement. Major General Tamás Sándor, inspector for Special Operations of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command, said at the Szolnok helicopter base that all partner countries of the Regional Special Operations Component Command (R-SOCC) were involved in the exercise led by Hungary, including Austria, Croatia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and the US were also participating,

he said.

Sándor said the R-SOCC last year reached initial operational capability. He said the aim of the Black Swan exercise was for the R-SOCC to deepen that capability and to be able to carry out special operations on the territories of three countries. The command also aims to achieve full operational capability by the end of 2024 and to be able to go on stand-by from 2025, he said.

The 12-day exercise is being held in Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia with some 715 soldiers having carried out more than 40 special operational tasks,

Sándor said. The tasks are being synchronised and led by the Hungarian R-SOCC command, he added.

Hungary international military exercise USA
Photo: MTI

Unlike last year, this year’s exercise also saw the participation of Czech and Romanian troops in the performance of tasks in Hungary, Slovakia and Norway, the major general said.

The exercise mainly covered military areas, but operations were also carried out in 13 civilian areas,

Sándor said.

He said the R-SOCC set up an international, Hungarian-led staff in Szolnok to lead the operations, with the Árpád Bertalan Brigade playing a key role in their execution. The brigade stationed one unit each in Slovakia and Romania for the event, the major general said. Also,

for the first time, Hungary’s counter-terrorism force TEK was included in the exercise,

he added.

Brigadier Rob Stephenson, Deputy Commander of NATO Special Operations Headquarters, attended the exercise, among others.

Hungary international military exercise
Read alsoHere is why you might bump into a lot of US, Polish, Romanian soldiers in Hungary

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. This FORUM gives me the OPPORTUNITY – to example and ask the WHY question – on the subject of excessively HIGH numbers of EXPENSIVE Range Motor Vehicles – Factually – registered, their number plates in the Ukraine – that continue in growing numbers – BEING sighted in Budapest, Hungary.
    The number – continue in up-ward Number.

    It is further OBSERVED – the drivers mixture of Male & Female plus children in the vehicles, the age of the MALES – is in the age group, that I beleive, under the Laws of the Ukraine, not forgetting they have a Compulsory Training Law, for Males in there Armed Forces, why are they in Budapest, Hungary ???

    These UPPER Range Vehicles – there Drivers & Family – what or WHO – gave them AUTHORITY – from the outbreak of the Russian War on the Ukraine – to cross the boarder – leaving the Ukraine and entering Hungary.

    Have Laws put in place by the Ukraine Government, especially on Males – aged 18 years old to 60 years old – who could be needed to “support” there country at War – males in this age bracket – from the Ukraine – driving or getting out of Ukraine registered motor vehicles, in Budapest, Hungary – what has HAPPENED – that they are in Budapest, Hungary in the FIRST place – and who is POLICING it – ensuring LAWS – are not being BROKEN.

    Midddle to High Range – Motor Vehicles registered in the Ukraine – excessive High numbers, in my District V of residency.

    How DID they cross the BOARDER ?
    The age of them – answers are NEEDED and if they are ILLEGALLY in Budapest, Hungary – they should be asked to LEAVE.

    ALL is NOT Correct – in my opinion with this OBVIOUS arrival process of Ukraine people.
    It is HOPED with TRUST – the Hungarian Government, has not Broken European Union Laws and disrespected Laws of the Ukraine – in allowing boarder crossings of the Ukraine citizens, outlined in this commentary.

    Ukraine registered motor vehicles – middle to high price vehicles – anybody Investigating or Checking the Legal Legitimacy of THEM and there DRIVERS and occupants – of the Vehicles ???

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