Although Easter is already gone, you can relive it by taking a look at these amazing photos. This is how people in Hungary, and in several Hungarian speaking area, celebrated Easter!
Members of the Nyírség Dance Group reenact different folk customs in the Sóstó Village Museum in Nyregyháza on 25 March.
Young men dressed in traditional Szekler clothes guard Christ’s grave in Csíkszentimre from Good Friday until Holy Saturday
After guarding Christ’s grave in Csíkszentimre, young men dressed in traditional Szekler clothes pour the consecrated water into bottles. It should be drank by people and animal who suffer from chronic illnesses.
Members of the Nyírség Dance Group reenact different folk customs in the Sóstó Village Museum in Nyregyháza in 25 March.
Industrial artist Pethőné Szabó Piroska is making Easter eggs using a special scraping technique in her home in Nemti, Nógrád county in 25 March.
Easter eggs made by Industrial artist Pethőné Szabó Piroska using a special scraping technique.
A 2 m high giant Easter egg was given to the city of Pécs as a gift by artists from Kapronca-Körös county, Croatia.
Péter Erdő Roman Catholic CardinalArchbishop of Esztergom-Budapest is leading the Easter vigil in the St Stephen’s Basilica on 26 March.
The 8.5-m-tall granite Blessing Christ Statue in Tarcal at dawn on 27 March.
Food consecration in Csíkszereda on 27 March.
Young women dressed in traditional clothes are sprinkled in Hollókő on 27 March.
People taking part in the Easter procession in Hollókő on 27 March.
Young men dressed in traditional clothes sprinkle a girl in Csíkszentkirály on 28 March.
Giant Easter egg in Lemes, Slovakia, decorated by almost 60,000 plastic bottle caps.
Members of the Nyírség Dance Group are sprinkled in the Sóstó Village Museum in Nyíregyháza on 28 March.
MTI Fotó: Balázs Attila
Photos: MTI
Copy editor: bm
Source: MTI