HTCC introduced its mission to the Buday Business Club
According to, Szabolcs Kutasi, the trade promotion manager of the Hungarian Trade & Cultural Centre (HTCC) was the exclusive guest of the Buday Business Club (BBC) on the 30th of November, 2016.
Szabolcs Kutasi’s lecture was titled “global market opportunities and the increase of export capacity” and – among others – he talked about how he joined HTCC one and a half years ago. Since then HTCC has been running ten representations all over the world with the mission to encourage the export opportunities and foreign investments of Hungarian enterprises and to facilitate their adaptation to the local business environment.
He added that HTCC now has business relations in several countries over the world and it is an especially familiar name in Africa, where they don’t only focus on the business world, but also on cultural activities. HTCC has come to represent a significant economic and cultural lobby power, which can be interpreted as the acknowledgement of their activities till now. He also mentioned the company’s recent successes: he touched upon successful networking and the first exact business successes besides the opening of the newest offices.
Many were interested in the lecture, which was followed by a matterful discussion, in which Szabolcs Kutasi was able to present HTTC’s effective facilitation and the key to succes through great examples and situations.
Copy editor: bm