Hungarian Africa Society tries to help the migrant situation with UN

According to, United Nations celebrates the 70th anniversary of its foundation at the 2015 NGO conference and it brings together the civil society organizations of the nations. Dorottya Patay, Hungarian Africa Society’s civil and humanitarian affairs director also participated in this year’s conference.

The Hungarian Africa Society was present at the conference held at the UN headquarters in August this year, which was organized for global NGO-s in New York. The participation of the Hungarian Africa Society was particularly important this year because the organization carries a very high burden due to the current refugee situation in Hungary and Europe.

“We’re trying to use as many mean as possible in order to participate the most efficiently in solving the problem. That is why we participated in the conference. We used this opportunity to discuss with NGO-s and UN representatives how we can perform most effectively at this kind of problem” – Dorottya Patay said.

“The moral of the participation in the conference was that the global crisis that currently exists requires the stakeholders and the participants not to try to resolve the situation individually, but to find the solution by international collaboration. In our case, this means that we discuss with the various sub branches of the UN and with the NGO-s, and we try to resolve the situation together. It is very important to use different resources that we can get. It can be human, material and professional resource. Our organization, as before, places an even greater emphasis on reaching applications, using external experts.”

“The primary objective of the Hungarian Africa Society is to relieve pressure on refugee reception centers. We can provide important health services, since the medical side of AHU is quite strong. Thus, we focus on it primarily. Due to the very high burden on refugee camps, our goal is, for this purpose, to send doctors who can help the healthcare services” – Dorottya Patay said after the conference.

What is ultimately turned out at this year’s conference that the international organizations try to address and resolve the situation together.

based on the article of
translated by BA



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