Hungarian boy’s short film wins at Cannes Film Festival

13-year-old Ábel Százados made a barely one minute long dramatic short film with the title “Never.”

“Ábel Százados has received, for the short film he had shot on his phone, the Most Promising Young Filmmaker award at the World Peace and Tolerance Institute Awards ceremony in Cannes. Professor Karl Bardosh, a representative of the international judges, handed over the award at the American Pavilion,” Ábel’s mother, Éva Százados, posted the good news on Facebook, reported Szabad Pécs.

According to, the boy said that he only shot the video on his phone as a game, when he and his cousins were bored at a family member’s birthday party. The barely one-minute dramatic video titled “Never” was nominated by Ábel’s uncle for the Hungarian Mobile Film Festival.

Ábel was just trying out the effects and filters on his phone, filmed his little brother, and eventually, his short film about suicide came to be.

The short film was selected into the top 10 at the Mobile Film Festival by international judges. These 10 videos advanced to the Global Short Film Awards’ mobile phone section’s international finals, where Ábel’s film was the winner.

You can watch the black and white short film here:

Read more about Hungarian success at this year’s Cannes Film Festival by clicking HERE.

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