Hungarian Chief Rabbi also reacts to Orbán’s “mixed-race” speech

The national Chief Rabbi also reacted to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech in Tusványos, in which he said that we live in a mixed-race world, but Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin are not mixed-race.
The national chief rabbi also reacted to Viktor Orbán’s speech in Tusványos, which struck a chord with many. The Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp – better known as Tusványos – has become one of the main arenas of Hungarian politics. The Prime Minister was the keynote speaker at this year’s festival again.
There is a world where the peoples of Europe mix with those from outside Europe – a world of mixed races. And we have us, where people from within Europe mix, move, work and relocate. So, for example, in the Carpathian Basin, we are not a mixed race, we are simply a mixture of people living in our own European homelands, Viktor Orbán said in his speech. Read details HERE – Orbán: “Hungarians are not a mixed race and do not want to become one”
In response to this, Róbert Frölich, the national Chief Rabbi, shared a poem on his official Facebook page, in which he wrote that he thought of Attila József, Miklós Radnóti, Antal Szerb, Endre Gelléri Andor, Jenő Rejtő and many other names and faces, known and unknown, who “fell victim to the onion-headed theories of race”.
“Speaking of race. Many different species populate our planet. But there is only one species that lives on this earth, walking, working, talking and sometimes thinking: Homo Sapiens Sapiens. This species is one and indivisible. I commend the above to your attention”
– The Chief Rabbi said in his post.
Several opposition parties and politicians have reacted to the speech. The Ukrainian foreign affairs spokesperson has also commented on the Prime Minister’s statements on the war, saying that Orbán’s speech is “a classic example of Russian propaganda”.
Read more about Viktor Orbán’s speech in Tusványos here – Orbán in Tusványos: Trump could have prevented the war in Ukraine!
Source: Index
Hungary has a large flourishing Jewish population. The Jewish population’s safety is guaranteed in Hungary and the Jewish People are safest in Hungary amongst all EU countries. Jewish people are just as Hungarian as Christian Hungarians. They speak the same language, support and fully participate in everyday life. The Chief Rabbi’s statement is naive. EU countries with large Muslim population persecute Jewish people, especially in France. Hungary is Israel’s greatest friend and supporter.