Hungarian Grape Harvest Fests between the two world war – Photo gallery, video

Nothing is better than sipping the fresh must in the autumn sunshine. Even more wonderful is the feeling if we do that after a hard-working day in the vineyard. Harvesting our own vine with family and friends is really an abiding experience, specially if we celebrate it with a real hungarian village festive. Image selection is coming!

“Tavasszal az első ibolya a szenzáció, nyáron a cséplés és az aratás,ősszel a szüret, amit úgy megünnepelünk, mint a legnagyobb ünnepnapot…”

„The first viola is the real sensation of spring, the threshing and cropping are the best of the summer time, but we celebrate as the biggest feast-day the harvesting at autumn…”

Hungarian fruits are the best…(1939) Source: (42680,42487, Sen. Tamás Konok)
Hungarian fruits are the best…(1939) Source: (42680,42487, Sen. Tamás Konok)
Group picture from 1935: The participants of the Nógrádverőce’ Harvest Fest. Both woman and man wear the local folklor costume. Source: (74325, Gyurcsok Gabriella)
Group picture from 1935: The participants of the Nógrádverőce’ Harvest Fest. Both woman and man wear the local folklor costume. Source: (74325, Gabriella Gyurcsok)
Everybody knows the tasty of the strawberry-smell somlai vine. Sándor Kisfaludy (1772-1844; well-known hungarian poet) also had a vineyard at Mount-Somlai (Bakony), even more he commemorates to harvesting in one of his poem, called Bloodharvesting (Vérszüret)... Picture: A companionship in a vineyard at Mount-Somlai in 1939. Source: (29885, Baráth Endre)
Everybody knows the tasty of the strawberry-smell somlai vine. Sándor Kisfaludy (1772-1844; well-known hungarian poet) also had a vineyard at Mount-Somlai (Bakony), even more he commemorates to harvesting in one of his poem, called Bloodharvesting (Vérszüret)… Picture: A companionship in a vineyard at Mount-Somlai in 1939. Source: (29885, Endre Baráth)
Gathering the fresh grapes into a tub. Tabajd, Fejér County, Hungary. (1937) Source: (27356, Mészöly Leonóra)
Gathering the fresh grapes into a tub. Tabajd, Fejér County, Hungary. (1937) Source: (27356, Leonóra Mészöly)

Collection of the harvest group portraits between the two world war era:

Group picture (1929), source:
Group picture (1929), source:
Group picture from Dunavecse (11941), source:
Group picture from Dunavecse (11941), source:
Group picture (1930), source:
Group picture (1930), source:

Everything that was needed to harvesting. Collection of the contemporary ads and posters:

László Hirschl gardener's ad in a Hungarian Newspaper
László Hirschl gardener’s ad in a Hungarian Newspaper
Runlet ad in 1920, from a Hungarian newspaper
Runlet ad in 1920, from a Hungarian newspaper


Ad about vineyard sprayer, Hungarian newspaper
Ad about vineyard sprayer, Hungarian newspaper
Wine-press, grinder, tub... Source: (72538, Lissák Tivadar)
Wine-press, grinder, tub… Source: (72538, Tivadar Lissák)

Finally a short broadcast news about the Harvest Fest of Eger (Heves County, Hungary) from 1933.   


You can read the original post in Hungarian HERE

translate by Vivien R. Rapali 

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