PM Orbán’s main challenger, Péter Magyar: Hungary deserves better than 3,000 robbers, calls Orbán old emperor
VIDEO: Burj Khalifa celebrated Hungary’s National Day, UPDATE: more photos
Spring return date in Hungary revealed: brace for frosts until then
Brutal homicide: Man kills woman with a bludgeon and injures several people in Hungary – PHOTOS
Shocking: A Hungarian region struggles with the lowest life expectancy at birth in Europe
Hungarian minister: Hungary’s justice system ‘one of the most independent’
Hungary’s justice system is highly advanced in terms of its independence and it is completely independent of the government, the justice minister told a conference in Budapest on Thursday.

- Brokerage scandal defendant handed 13 years prison sentence – read more HERE
Our judiciary “completely independent”? Mr. Tuzson must have missed the passing of the Omnibus Act?
“On 30 April 2024, the Hungarian Parliament adopted Act XVII of 2024 on the Amendment of Laws related to Justice Matters (Omnibus Act). With effect from 9 July 2024, the Omnibus Act introduced new provisions modifying Act CLXI of 2011 on the Organisation and Administration of Courts (OAC) and Act CLXIII of 2011 on the Prosecution Service (PSA). The new provisions grant the MoJ unlimited access to final and binding or conclusive court decisions and decisions taken by the Prosecution Service (PS) as well as decisions of investigating agencies.
It is important to note that access is not only granted to final and binding (in Hungarian ‘jogerős’) court decisions but to all conclusive (in Hungarian ‘végleges’) court decisions, which settle a particular matter in a decisive manner without finally shutting up the whole legal dispute. The newly inserted sections are twin provisions allowing the MoJ unlimited access to court decisions and decisions of the prosecution service, and through both, to decisions of any other autonomous authority and state organ.”
Some pretty ugly examples listed in this analysis, worth the read.