Hungarian man attacked by bodyguards after giving Erdogan the middle finger

On Sunday, the Turkish president arrived in Hungary, however, he was not welcomed wholeheartedly by everyone. To express his strong disapproval, a Hungarian man made a rather rude gesture at the controversial politician. Shortly afterwards, he was attacked by whom appeared to be the Turkish president’s security guards. He was eventually rescued by TEK (the Hungarian counter-terrorism squad) and the local police. 

Hungarian man flipped the bird at Erdogan

A Hungarian man reported to Magyar Narancs that he was subjected to a brutal atrocity in Budapest. According to him, he was out taking a stroll with his son and wife from Buda to the Pest side on Sunday afternoon, when the Turkish convoy passed by on the Erzsébet Bridge. Unbothered, the family continued its way to a nearby pastry shop, but they spotted the convoy again near the Matild Palace Hotel, where they were also heading. The local man said the hotel lobby was swarmed by masked commandos, armed with machine guns, alongside several civilian Erdogan sympathisers.

“Suddenly, the Turkish president showed up in the lobby. The crowd loudly cheered him, and Erdogan smiled and waved back. Meanwhile, I raised my hands above my head to give him my middle finger. He flashed a glance at me and the smile instantly faded from his face”, recalled the man.

Erdogan’s bodyguards did not keep calm

Alarmed by his rude antics, a police officer stepped over to the hot-headed man, warning him to stop immediately what he was doing. “This is my honest opinion, we have freedom of expression in Hungary,” the man replied.

Then suddenly, three or four civilians jumped to the scene and attacked him. The man believes they must have been Erdogan’s bodyguards. At this point, everything went blur. He only remembers being dragged outside of the building while he was trying to grab the gate to hold onto.

According to the man, more and more people arrived and threw themselves at him. They brought him to the ground, kneeled on his kidneys and back and twisted his hands. Luckily, he was spared of kicks, at least. Still, he was baffled over what was going on. Finally, the TEK squad rushed to his rescue and separated him from the Turks, but he still got a few more punches on the way.

TEK worried for the Hungarian daredevil’s life

Until the police made it to the scene, the TEK members formed a semi-circle around the man to shield him from his fuming attackers. He was then ushered outside by the authorities and placed in a police car, which headed towards Buda.

“My God, where should we go,” one of the policemen asked in confusion, according to the man. He was finally taken to a place where eight or ten police cars and minibuses were parked. The victim revealed that the police and the TEK squad were very helpful, they even asked if he needed medical assistance and offered to call an ambulance.


  1. Similar Turkish security personnel attacks have happened in the past for example in Washington DC in 2017 hospitalizing nine protestors . Turkey like Hungary is an authoritarian regime but their use of violence is worse. Hungarians should be outraged. Ne bantsd a magyart! So what is the Orban government going to do about this attack? Nothing because I am sure Fidesz condones violence as long as it is against their opponents. The release this spring by Orban of right-wing terrorist Budahazy who targeted left-wing politicians with explosives is proof of their intent.

  2. Hungary is Not an authoritarian country, it is free, and people who do not show respect to any human gets it’s own insults back in it’s own way..
    Instead of insulting people the guy should have just passed his way and continue with his own affairs..

  3. Bad behavior is unacceptable. When that person showed disrespect to President Erdogan, simultaneously, he showed disrespect for all the Turkish people that elected the President. Did that man think that the convoy of cars will stop, and Erdogan will give this rude person a medal? Making rude gestures in front of children does not reflect good parenting skills. This man’s behavior reflects badly on the whole country.

    The people elected Prime Minister Orban with a majority. He has every right to invite any head of state for bilateral discussion.

  4. No freedom of speech in Hungary? If the Turkish president is insulted assault is justified? This is not authoritarianism? A thousand Hungarians should give both Erdogan and Orban the middle finger and people should always be free do it. Shame on any Hungarian that would invite Turks to assault their fellow Hungarians for raising a middle finger to authoritarian leader.

  5. Even here the pro-Turkish bots are active 🙂
    If an old man cannot stand a raised finger how small must his confidence be?

  6. It’s also why such authoritarian leaders feel the need for armed guards, as they are afraid of meeting the real public in western nations i.e. freedom of speech inc. negative hand gestures, and the need for citizens’ respect to be earned by leaders, not enforced by their authorities and Praetorian guards.

  7. Giving a middle finger alone is no reason for a violent attack. But.. maybe bodyguards suspected the man had worse plans with hidden weapons and they made a quick decision to tackle him. Turkish president has made plenty of enemies, lucky for him this was just a middle finger and nothing worse.

  8. The man raising the finger probably wanted some notoriety. What does that man know of President Erdogan, has he ever visited Türkiye? Is the rude person familiar with Turkish politics. The rude person is probably an ignorant slob.

    Mr. Orban does not walk around with armed guards, but President Biden certainly does. There is free speech in Hungary and there is no evidence that anyone that insulted Mr. Orban ever got beat up or ended up in jail, not was the police sent to their homes to intimidate them.

  9. Funny story. First, how can foreign security thugs beat up a citizen of the host country? I thought the Ottoman occupation is over by now. The middle finger can mean ” Welcome Sultan!!”. The comments that include “free speech” in Hungary… Has anyone watched the news on M1 ?? You are free yes to toe the FIDESZ line. Rant about the dangers of arch-enemy Soros György.Free to call Brussels all kinds of names but also complain- where is OUR money???

  10. This is why it’s extremely important to train in martial arts. If he was trained and in fighting shape they would have gotten the suprise of their life

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