Hungary’s opposition alliance is filing a criminal complaint concerning Speaker of Parliament László Kövér’s recently leaked remarks made a year and half ago before secret services leaders, Párbeszéd group leader Tímea Szabó said on Tuesday.
Szabó told a press conference that the government had demonstrated in recent weeks that it was incapable of refraining from illegal methods to maintain “corrupt … fraudulent power”. First it was revealed that
the government had purchased the Pegasus software to spy on opposition politicians, independent journalists an economic players,
and then Kövér’s speech was leaked in which he “encouraged secret service leaders to violate the law and spy on opposition lawmakers, basically up-ending law and order,” she said.
Szabó said a report would be filed to the Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation concerning secret information gathering and the unauthorised use of concealed methods.
Socialist lawmaker Ildikó Borbély Bangó said the house speaker had crossed a line that no politician or public dignitary was allowed to.
DK deputy group leader Gergely Arató said Kövér’s remarks clearly showed ruling Fidesz’s way of thinking.
“The country [they think] belongs to them and the others, who think differently are enemies”.
Read alsoSpeaker: “Europe can only be made strong thanks to strong nation states”
Source: MTI
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Someone should find out who is Peter Marki-Zay. Wikipedia information is puzzling, e.g. the candidate moved to Canada in 2004 at the same time he earned two degrees from a university located in Budapest.
In 2004, many people with ethnic Gypsy background came to Canada and applied for refugee status. Canada denied refugee status for these applicants because Hungary was a safe country.
Where did this man live in Canada. How did he make his living in North America? The only occupation on line was a door-to-door sales man.
Does anyone have any information?
The opposition is clearly in bed with Brussels and are the Soro’s lap dogs. They are globalist marxist and want to erase the borders and allow any and everyone to enter Europe and Hungary. They want to erase the heritage and culture of Hungary. They are traitors to Hungary and deserve to be executed for treason.
“Hungarian opposition a national security threat?”
Our history teaches us that the opposition will use foreign help to climb on the backs of Hungarians. They did it many times, the last time in 1956.
I expect foreign financed and armed conflict when the anti-Hungarian opposition led by the Gyurcsány-Dobrev-Apró gang loses the election.
The Hungarian government and security services would be negligent in their duties if they didn’t prepare for this eventuality.
Magyarország a magyaroké.
Who is Peter Marki=Zay, what is his real back ground. How did he move to Canada, did he apply for refugee status. Where did he live in Canada and the US? There is a great big blank for many years in this man’s background. Surely, someone has this information. Please inform us.