Hungarian president Áder discusses economic cooperation with Colombian counterpart

Water and farm management, as well as forestry, are possible areas of cooperation between Hungary and Colombia, Hungarian President János Áder said after talks with his Colombian counterpart, Juan Manuel Santos.

There is room for expansion in cooperation in education and culture too, he said, adding that the number of Colombian students at Hungarian universities will double next year.

Áder congratulated Santos on the successful peace process with Colombia’s FARC rebels, his Nobel peace prize received in acknowledgement of that process, and the fight against drug trafficking, as well as to Colombia’ qualification for the football world cup.

Santos thanked Hungary for its role in the peace process, partly as a member of the European Union, and for its support of the country’s accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Hungary and Colombia have already taken up diplomatic contact by opening embassies and through meetings between the two countries’ foreign ministers, Santos noted. After today’s presidential meeting, relations could be taken to a regional level, with the Visegrad Group seeking cooperation with the Pacific Alliance comprising Chile, Peru, Mexico and Colombia, he said.

The presidents agreed that Hungary could have a role in Colombia’s reforestation efforts after the destruction of a long civil war in the country, and water management investments to counter the effects of climate change.

Photo: MTI

Source: MTI

One comment

  1. A beautiful picture that illustrates the beauty of Budapest. I happened to be in Budapest in that period and the show was awesome.
    Hungary is on the right way to become an important country in the middle of Europe. It is always a pleasure to come to Hungary and to enjoy the good things in life. If one thinks that Holland will copy some of the benefits, like free travel for Europeans older than 65 years of age, than one is mistaken.

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