Hungarian success at the Marrakesh climate summit writes that, according to Dr. József Steier, the Marrakesh climate summit was not only about the American presidential election, the fear of Donald Trump, or money.
“First of all, Marrakesh passed the exam” says the Hungarian expert, who has been part of the city’s life for more than a year as the representative of HTCC. They built up a whole district from tents between the airport and the city – as the airport is very close to the city centre – which served as the location of the climate summit. Besides being environmentally conscious – as it didn’t overburden the resources of the city, nor was it left as a useless drag after the summit – the location was also successful. They managed the flow of hundreds of politicians, experts and visitors so well that it didn’t affect the everyday life of the city – there weren’t any traffic jams, hitches, in fact, Steier believes that transport was even easier in the city. Naturally, this was partly because of the increased number of policemen and gendarmerie.
Regarding the summit itself, there were two separate parts: the blue and the green zones. Politicians were in the blue zone, that’s where arguments about America’s changing role, the protection of the Paris agreement and the financing of the process happened. The green zone was the zone for companies. There were much less news in the media about this zone, even though the world’s most innovative enterprises gathered here to discuss at the, so called, agoras, how the business sphere could exchange in the topics of environmental protection or money.
And this was when one of the great Hungarian successes of the summit was born. A Hungarian innovation – “The direct use of carbon dioxide as manure in C4 type Paulowina hybrids, completed with a progressive method in sake of the widespread application of the solution” – is the official trademark of the summit.
The elaborated method (and the solutions of the local sample plantation) could make a worldwide paradigm shift in the judgement of CO2 possible. Carbon dioxide is not a harmful greenhouse effect gas anymore, because using the method, enormous amounts of available – and, for now, free – raw material could serve as useful vital elements (manure), which can reduce global warming, starvation and migration, with an even 30% increase in the development of plants.
Copy editor: bm
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