Tragic survey: Hungary has the third highest suicide rate in the EU!
Based on data from 2015, with 19 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, Hungary registered with the third highest rate of suicidal acts among the EU Member States, Eurostat reports. Lithuania has the highest percentage (30/100,000) and is followed by Slovenia (21/100,000).
Eurostat is a Directorate-General of the European Commission located in Luxembourg. Its main responsibilities are to provide statistical information to the institutions of the European Union and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across its member states.
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5.2 million deaths were reported in the European Union in 2015, and just over 56 000 were due to intentional self-harm (1.1%), meaning that
56,200 persons in the European Union committed suicide in 2015.
The analysis also reveals that men committed almost 8 in 10 suicides (77%), and about 31% was done by persons aged between 45 and 60.
The average suicide rate in the European Union was 11 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants in 2015.
In order to get a relevant comparison between the EU member states, it is not enough to look at the number of suicides in each state, but the absolute numbers must be adjusted to the size and structure of each member state. Such an analysis reveals that
Considering the No. of suicides per 100 000 inhabitants, Lithuania has the highest suicide rate (30) within the European Union, followed by Slovenia (21) and Latvia and Hungary (both 19).
At the opposite of the scale, the lowest rates of suicide were recorded in Cyprus (4 suicides per 100 000 inhabitants), Greece (5), Italy (6), the United Kingdom (7), Spain and Malta (both 8).
Daily News Hungary previously reported that according to data from 2016, the No. of suicides in Hungary has decreased. In fact, since 1989, the No. of suicides has been halved. The data also revealed that there were at least three times as many male suicides as female. While almost 500 men committing suicide were married, most of the women who committed suicide were widows.
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Featured image: Illustration/Pixabay